Friday, August 23, 2013

car plates

Just as in base ball box scores, vowels can be deleted.
  often '1' is 'I'
This was on a Mustang, i took two other snaps. The sun/shade distinction was too harsh, and i do not want to advertise the car dealer. Why should a car purchaser advertise the company that sold the car to the first owner?
I mentioned this before, i have cropped out and rubbed out plate letters and numbers before; but people who pay to have personalised plates want you to read them. Some are humourous (go team, we need to smile and laugh), some are cryptic, some name the driver, some are religious, and so on. I have to believe, someone has Ohio plates reading 'John 3.16'.
Now, this i saw at a Patrick's parade. Person after person came to be photographed by it.

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