Sunday, November 27, 2011

Something wrong in Kansas

This may not be exact, but it has been my experience in observation. School administrators (principals) have been known to be farcical, but rigid tyrants. For all practical purposes the Republican party in the United States are fascists.

Sam Brownback was once a US Senator, that wanted to be president. He supported extreme Zionist views [total expulsion of Palestinians from Palestine], supported extreme measures [including wiretaps] of the oxymoronic 'Patriot Act', and chemical weapons. He self-identified himself as 'a compassionate conservative'.

Now, 'twitter' is a revival of telegrams by a new technology. Most 'tweets' are thoroughly unimportant, they are essentially telegrams by idiots for other idiots. Now, there are a serious of teen age novels and films about an idiot chick, a werewolf, and a vampire. Apparently, this is typical grist for the new telegraph mill, but the girl decided to insult Lord Brownback.

To quote the Wichita Eagle:
A Kansas teenager is in trouble after mocking Gov. Sam Brownback during a mock legislative assembly for high school students.
Emma Sullivan, a senior at Shawnee Mission East High School in Prairie Village, was in Topeka on Monday as part of Kansas Youth in Government, a program for students interested in politics and government. ... On Tuesday, Sullivan was called to her principal’s office and told that the tweet had been flagged by someone on Brownback’s staff...
Brownback has his staff do a little 'Patriot Act' work on an 18 year old high school Democrat. Her principal, Karl Krawitz, is pressuring, demanding the girl grovel in writing to all sorts of pooh-bahs.

I have to wonder, if she had criticised a Democrat, would the principal be so upset? Would a Democratic staffer gone after a high school kid? Even so, neither the principal, the governor, or any apparatchik working for the governor have any respect for the First Amendment, or Freedom of Conscience.

Unfortunately, as the country is to-day, there are many in this country that agree with going after the girl. I may be partisan, but there is a certain petty vindictiveness that is owned by the Republican party. Richard Nixon was famous for his enemies list, and there are few Republicans to-day kinder than Nixon.

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