Saturday, June 12, 2021

John came here

If my memory serves me right, Euclid Beach had a big log cabin and dance floor. John Kennedy had been there, and there was a sign there saying so. This may have been the occasion. Celebrezze was mayor of Cleveland, for five two year terms. He became secretary of Health, Education & Welfare for Kennedy, and Johnson. Notice the union bug on the bottom? For a long time it seemed that it was unusual to see any locally printed paper object of many copies without it. In 1958, he lost the primary for governor to the eventual winner Michael DiSalle. DiSalle was mayor of Toledo in the late forties. Both DiSalle and Celebrezze had parents born in Italy, and both graduated from Jesuit colleges. Yes, in those days Democrats could become governor of Ohio.

DiSalle was the first to be elected to a four year term. Jim Rhodes ran against the incumbent multi-term Democrat from Cleveland, Frank Lausche in 1954. Rhodes lost that first time. In 1962, he ran against DiSalle. There were other issues, but one that cost DiSalle was abolition of the death penalty: "I found that the men in death row had one thing in common: they were penniless". This was a little before my time, but Jim Rhodes ran on "home grown tomatoes" (have not found this in print, and have not yet looked).

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