or front yard of a trumpster with money
The blue is both lake and sky. Rocky River is a well to do west side suburb. Lake Road has some mansions on it. This property sold for more than $3 million in 2005. This display is like an abandoned section of an amusement park, crossed with a mad resident living in a trailer. A local teevee station (WOIO) sensationalised a very minor incident, two girls came at night with an egg carton. An aggressive neighbour pursued them, and the teevee reporter called the attempted egging a crime of vandalism.
While i was walking up the sidewalk, a car turns into the driveway. A man walks to the exhibits, and a woman snaps photographs of him. Here he is about to put a trump cap on the effigy. It was the first one he went to, and i suspect is a favorite of the deplorables
This looks like the Texaco man with the star. The pitchman used to have a big red star on his cap. After WWII, some people escaped Eastern European communism. Some were not pleasantly surprised. The big red stars on the gas stations looked ominous. Where did this huge dummy come from. The cap's insignia has changed from near soviet kрасная звезда, krasnaya zvezda, red star to the current fascist markings.

He missed the one piece that was removed. There had been a toilet with a sign suggesting to place Biden votes in the bowl. See that is a difference between trumpsters, and democrats. Trumpsters are loud, and extravagant in their worship, and have no problem with vulgarity. They have don't have a sense of humour, they have a mean streak they substitute for humour. Some trumpster paraphernalia goes out of the way to be rude, obnoxious, and vulgar. I did see some to-day, but it is not worth posting. Now Trump does complain a lot about plumbing, and water flow, and flushing.