Friday, October 2, 2020

an umbrella sky


Águeda Portugal had the first umbrella sky. Now, each summer in July, August, and September they have a new set of parasols strung up. It began in 2011, and the idea has spread [with some variations]. Rick and Raeann Guiley have done so for Louisville Ohio. One hundred eighty-five umbrellas went up on May 19th. During the Independence Day weekend three days of chalking produced drawings on the wall. The lead artist in the ‘Gallery in the Alley’ was Jeffrey Keirn. Another artist was Iris Menegay, who later painted walls in the back, with images including Mary Poppins.


It was to be a stormy day, and the parasols not between walls were closed.
There were some preparations for snowflakes going up. This locale is trying to have continuous events, and things to see.
A chalk flamingo still looks good nearly three months in the weather. She waits to place her wing around someone. This sight was made for picture taking.


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