Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Browns Stadium

Cleveland has an NFL team. It has recently been purchased by a billionaire. The football stadium is owned by the city. The billionaire owner has sold the naming of the stadium to an electrical utility company. The electricity to the stadium comes from a municipally owned electrical utility. They are two different entities. The upkeep of the stadium is paid by the city through the collection of a special tax on alcohol and tobacco sales inside Cuyahoga County. 

Sometimes the church speaks about 'a preferential option for the poor'. The government in the United States does everything it can to provide 'a preferential option for the rich'.

The local television has been reporting on this interviewing 'fans' in saloons. What is their reaction to the name change (not the city ownership, and taxpayer issues)? It seems the new owner is supported in everything, and the only question to be considered is the reaction to the name change. Previously, Mike Polk called the stadium, the Factory of Sadness.

People note they are 'fortunate' that the new name will not evoke snickers. For some years the new basketball/hockey arena was called "Gund Arena". Maybe, you don't read that funny; well try saying that fast, and a consonant drops out, and it sounds like a social disease.

Now look at the picture, before the new sign comes up. 'Cleveland Browns' ? Look if they want honesty, should it not be the 'Cleveland Greys'??

But, they can name it officially anything at all. People can still refer to it as they wish, though they will be incorrected by incorrectionists. I have no problem in calling, practically, everything by the name i heard it called first (and that was heard by my early childhood ears, coming out of the mouths of many people, now, long time dead—that is how language and historical memory is preserved), and am confounded, that, so few do. I am a language conservative, to the point of reactionary, when a change is compulsorily prescribed.

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