Saturday, July 20, 2024

dreck spectacle in Milwaukee

Certainly, i could not watch the trash political carnival sideshow in Wisconsin. But i did see some press coverage. The United States press has been terrible.  Dan Rather, my dear God, he was and is great. The system in place has made sure that no one will try to be another one. Of a country of 300 millions, certainly many could approach his craft and integrity.  That is not permitted. It is ratings, and corporate profit. Those who receive the profit are moneyed interests, and are deeply interested in their finances. All the big boys who control the industry are so driven. Some are pure evil fascists, some just worship Mammon. Either way they are a threat to America. It is not that the press is the enemy of the people like Herr Hitler, and Herr Trump maintain. A free press with integrity does a national service. The owners of the press are the enemies of the people.
Better than humping the flag act he does. 

Trump is not a showman. He is a cheesy barker. On the final day of the tent show, Donnie Dipshit comes on the stage (not rostrum, not podium), and there were huge lights spelling his last name; sort of like a Las Vegas celebrity's teevee special.

What is a carnival without side show freaks?
Someone made this comparative composite supra. Matt Gaetz is a reprobate. He is despised by his fellow repuke congress critters. He loves to grandstand. Sometime before his speaking slot, he had a new face put on. Kimberley Guilfoyle once was simply attractive. Now she has become donny junior's whore, she is a freak. Mugshot of the don of the criminal family, and another ass with an ear kotex.

Mostly the whole show was unending mendacity from all of its participants. As i wrote, i could not watch such animated garbage; but i wonder how probing, and skeptical the press had been. An honest press would have eviscerated and ridiculed the idiot bacchanal.

There were clowns a plenty. A former professional wrestler wore a version of his stage costume, and ripped his tee shirt apart. Is that something that Everett Dirksen would have done? There were at least two owners of such gladiatoresque entertainment franchises that spoke. Was it to show Cadet Bonespurs fighting spirit?
I read there were these billboards in the city. Was this shown on teevee? I can see that the resultant ticket is very pleasing to Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin.

Where the press has been the worst is the campaign, a press coup, to remove Joseph Biden from the presidency. That event in Atlanta, Trump was a machine gun of lies. The press was not interested. The job of a reporter is to search, and present the truth. Here are the real issues:
  • Biden has achieved much against great resistance from the opposing party and economic power structure.
  • NATO needs America under sanity, Biden.
  • Putin must not be successful in interfering in American affairs. Putin is a threat to the world.
  • Trump is both criminal, and insane. He is a narcissistic psychopath. Unlike most psychopaths, he is fundamentally ignorant and stupid.  He is a danger to the world.
  • The Republican Agenda crafted by the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and rogue billionaires want to destroy the rule of law, and the spirit of American promise of freedom that has been appealing to civilisation, in order to install a corrupt oligarchy.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Republican speak: unity = one party dictatorship

neighbour across the street within 2 hours of incident, an obscene anti-Biden flag

Only Joe from Scranton will save us from an incoming fascist dictatorship,  which is already underway. The putsch that began on January 6th 2021 has not ended. 

A corrupt midnight judge in Florida has thrown out the stolen documents case against Trump, apparently special prosecutors are not meant to be used to investigate Repukes. Earlier, the corrupt members (Repukes) on the Supreme Court have granted Trump at least partial immunity for criminal, and treasonous acts. They have avenged Nixon, "When the President does it, that means that it is not illegal." But here is the thing, trump has done acts when he was no longer president.

There has been an extreme push to shield him. Yet, a New York court found him guilty of 34 felonies. His sentencing has been repeatedly delayed. And we know, justice delayed is justice denied. 

And there has been an unrelenting press attack on Joe Biden. There was this CNN event in Atlanta, that is wrongly referred to as a "debate". Joe Biden sputtered. trump unleashed a continuous fire of ridiculous lies, and insults, and then started talking about golf. The press concentrated on Joe's inadequate performance. There is no debating the evil clown show of trump. The two moderators never corrected him on his lies. Orange Caligula would not answer the questions directed at him, and then sometimes chose to attack Biden's previous answers. Only at the end, did Dana Bash try to have him answer whether he would accept the result of the election. He would not. 

And after this, Democrats picked up the press' lead on Biden's sharpness on that stage. Only two defeated Republicans are willing to say Trump is a danger to democracy. The rest hail their leader (in the original German, Heil ihren Führer).

Saturday, a young trumpster gun nut shot into a trump hate rally, in Butler County Pennsylvania. The presumed target was this ear pillow guy. [infra: head with a small female hygiene pad.] Earlier Monday, and during Sunday's golfing, both his ears were uncovered. This was part of his costume in Milwaukee, for his coronation ceremonies.

Here is another thing: the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle in the AR-15 family, the gun of choice of mass killers. He shot from roughly 450 feet away. From 1994 to 2004, such weapons were illegal under the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Republicans have done their damnedest to make sure such a thing never happens again. Their inglorious leader was almost hoisted by their own petard.

Well, some one else was killed, and two other trumpsters wounded severely. That was on a Saturday. Trump went golfing on Sunday. The President of the United States called the widow, she refused his call. New York Post reported, "I didn't talk to Biden. I didn't want to talk to him. My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him." The cult is extreme.

So, television reporters interviewed rally attendees, and other Republicans, and they all complained about the divisiveness in America, and the need for "unity"

What is unity? In Cleveland, there was a terrible Catholic bishop, who had no respect for parishioners, and their views. He quoted Jesus on all being one. Unity was needed. What was his unity? It was no opposition towards his will. That was unity.  

In republican speak, unity is subservience to trump. It is one party dictatorship, you know fascism. 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

2024 Miscellany #10—here & there

sunset from Lakewood Solstice Steps 3 July 2024
Parma on Independence Day, celebrate while you still can.
1956 chevy bel air art deco jet bird hood ornament
I do take fotos of other people's dogs. She is COCO, half golden, half basset.
part of the Asian Lights Cleveland Zoo during assembly
Looking out Lorain Harbor, late in the day, into sun's glare.
On Ontario in Cleveland, is this sign collection an anthropomorphic robot?
On a Godawful hot day, we were in Columbus, stopped into COSI. This is part of Ocean with Poseidon. People could aim water jets into the urns. It was cool here, running water was in the exhibit. It was dark, i used flash, a kid operating a water cannon jumped back in shock, his father chuckled.
Well, this was before Independence Day. Next year, it may just be July 4th. As wonderful as the commemoration is, it is a day many are uneasy, especially animals. Enjoy and protect.
Scotch pine, birches, some maples, sycamore all shag off their bark. In English we do say shag bark hickory.

Saturday, July 6, 2024



This enjoyable show is a remade Columbo. 

Columbo was a great show. It showed up intermittently from 1968 to 2003. Columbo was really not the average police show. It did two things that differentiated itself from other cop shows. The first was Columbo's personality. He was not a tough guy, nor a by the book ultra professional. He was self effacing and polite; most uncop like.  He was modelled after Porfiry Petrovich (Petrovich is a patronymic not a surname), Dostojevskij's detective in Crime and Punishment. Columbo knew who was guilty, and pestered the killer until the killer confessed. The show did not try to fool the audience, and keep them in false suspense. The guilty and their methods were shown. The plot continued until Columbo had the criminal detected to everyone.

Peter Falk embodied a great character. Carrie Preston does too. I have recently viewed the ten episodes of the first season. She is coming back for more, i would hope she remains the same character, and that the show does not morph unto something else, and no shark jumping.

Comparing the two: Elsbeth is in her third series as the same character, i did not see an episode of the other two, so some people knew what was coming, not me. She is a detective (defense lawyer), but not in the police force. Elsbeth has to work with other police, some resent her, and some are positively influenced by her. Columbo had been a detective for a long time, and worked alone.

While comic touches fell into Columbo's show, there is far more comedy here, even fantasy. Columbo was described as disheveled, he wasn't. He was disinterested in fashion. Elsbeth likes color, and looks happy. In the season finale, the fashion designer/killer finds her as his muse. Columbo had cigars, and misplaced things. Elsbeth carries three large bags constantly, and rarely does anything come out of them.

Columbo had a basset hound. Dogs are grrrreat. Elsbeth inherits a border terrier, Gonzo, from a murdered victim. Already the pooch is getting into the act. Columbo always talks about his unseen wife. Elsbeth talks about her so far unseen son.

Both Elsbeth and Columbo have conversations with the suspect. Some of the suspects come to like Elsbeth, moreso than Columbo. Elsbeth gets involved in the activities of the killer. Rarely do they have a lawyer to deal with Elsbeth and Columbo. Columbo is mentally dismissed much quicker, while Elsbeth is taken as odd. At one point she says something like, "a teacher once wrote, she is smarter than she appears".

Murder, murder, and murder, but rarely a gun. The use of guns to kill in the USA is prodigious. On one episode Columbo was to be disciplined for not fulfilling the gun range requirement. Elsbeth does not have a weapon. Murder is violent, guns are extremely violent. For the show the murder is the vehicle of the plot. Only in the tenth episode of Elsbeth is a gun fired, and it was anonymous in use. In stories a murder can elicit psychological, moral questions. It can be a philosophical discussion. These teevee fotoplays are mere entertainment.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

last Independence Day?

McGruff the Crime Dog was to lead the parade. Berea Ohio police wrote parking tickets during parade on at least one street across a full Baldwin Wallace campus parking lot designated for the day's use; petty Barney Fife behaviour by the city's administration under Mayor Cyril Kleem. Twenty dollars if paid in three days. To-day is a holiday, followed by Friday, and the weekend. We drove to the station to pay, no one was there.
Wonder Woman fought the Nazis, next year the US could be under fascist rule. The Supreme Court Republican majority, and other judges are writing decisions, and making judgments to benefit Trump. The situation is perverse, the rules are written retroactively for a traitor to betray us again; while the current and legal president [Biden] is hamstringed by the government, and by his ethics. Trump [Buffoon Orange Caligula]  is a psychopath with dementia, among other horrible traits. The press is holding him to no standard whatsoever; while Biden is expected to behave by ever higher standards. The calendar for 2025 will have July 4th, Independence Day maybe.
Sam Werewolf
open winged stilt walker
An onion, a pre-1920 suffragette, and a stuffed yellowjacket for The Sting WBWC FM radio. It has been over a century now. America would be safer now, if only women voted. Fewer women than men are stupid enough to vote Republican currently.
Stearns Knight was a Cleveland automobile manufacturer from 1900 to 1929. This show the radiator and badge from a 1925 touring car.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sieg Heil! 6 - 3

This Supreme Court usually has no respect for legal precedent, but yesterday their precedent was Germany's Enabling Act of 1933. Sieg Heil!

The Republicans initiated this court with the failed attempt of seating Robert Bork. Some of his written opinions sided with George III. The Republicans were geared for revenge, they have achieved it. All the Republican nominees to the court have been mendacious since. The founding documents of this country are null and void now. George III was intermittently mad (old usage). Trump is evil.

Orange Caligula is a narcissistic psychopath, and unlike most psychopaths, he is phenomenally stupid. He is a complete liar, fraud, con man, and grifter. He has one great ability, and that is to find corrupt people, and to make people corrupt, who will do his bidding. In theology and literature the Father of all lies, and the corrupter of mankind is the Devil. Trump is remarkably incompetent, who has authored his success?

Trump is guilty of everything that he has been publicly accused of. These 'justices' know that. They have aided him again, and again. Issuing this decision, yesterday, the last day of the term is evidence. The decision is not clear in how it will function. It is set up, to go up and down the courts. Justice delayed is justice denied. Trump is guilty of far more than we know. If he is free, he will do more criminality. Trump is incorrigible, relentless, vengeful, vicious, sadistic, cowardly. 

In Genesis, Abraham bargains with God to save Sodom and Gomorrha. He whittles down the number of good men necessary to save them from destruction. Even with that small number of ten, there wasn't enough to fulfill. The same is true of the entire official Republican Party.