Saturday, July 20, 2024

dreck spectacle in Milwaukee

Certainly, i could not watch the trash political carnival sideshow in Wisconsin. But i did see some press coverage. The United States press has been terrible.  Dan Rather, my dear God, he was and is great. The system in place has made sure that no one will try to be another one. Of a country of 300 millions, certainly many could approach his craft and integrity.  That is not permitted. It is ratings, and corporate profit. Those who receive the profit are moneyed interests, and are deeply interested in their finances. All the big boys who control the industry are so driven. Some are pure evil fascists, some just worship Mammon. Either way they are a threat to America. It is not that the press is the enemy of the people like Herr Hitler, and Herr Trump maintain. A free press with integrity does a national service. The owners of the press are the enemies of the people.
Better than humping the flag act he does. 

Trump is not a showman. He is a cheesy barker. On the final day of the tent show, Donnie Dipshit comes on the stage (not rostrum, not podium), and there were huge lights spelling his last name; sort of like a Las Vegas celebrity's teevee special.

What is a carnival without side show freaks?
Someone made this comparative composite supra. Matt Gaetz is a reprobate. He is despised by his fellow repuke congress critters. He loves to grandstand. Sometime before his speaking slot, he had a new face put on. Kimberley Guilfoyle once was simply attractive. Now she has become donny junior's whore, she is a freak. Mugshot of the don of the criminal family, and another ass with an ear kotex.

Mostly the whole show was unending mendacity from all of its participants. As i wrote, i could not watch such animated garbage; but i wonder how probing, and skeptical the press had been. An honest press would have eviscerated and ridiculed the idiot bacchanal.

There were clowns a plenty. A former professional wrestler wore a version of his stage costume, and ripped his tee shirt apart. Is that something that Everett Dirksen would have done? There were at least two owners of such gladiatoresque entertainment franchises that spoke. Was it to show Cadet Bonespurs fighting spirit?
I read there were these billboards in the city. Was this shown on teevee? I can see that the resultant ticket is very pleasing to Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin.

Where the press has been the worst is the campaign, a press coup, to remove Joseph Biden from the presidency. That event in Atlanta, Trump was a machine gun of lies. The press was not interested. The job of a reporter is to search, and present the truth. Here are the real issues:
  • Biden has achieved much against great resistance from the opposing party and economic power structure.
  • NATO needs America under sanity, Biden.
  • Putin must not be successful in interfering in American affairs. Putin is a threat to the world.
  • Trump is both criminal, and insane. He is a narcissistic psychopath. Unlike most psychopaths, he is fundamentally ignorant and stupid.  He is a danger to the world.
  • The Republican Agenda crafted by the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, and rogue billionaires want to destroy the rule of law, and the spirit of American promise of freedom that has been appealing to civilisation, in order to install a corrupt oligarchy.

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