The convenient fallacy of journalists getting along is “both siderism”. For the newsman it is job security. For the simple minded, and the partisan who does not want to admit the depth of his partisanship, it is an excuse to dismiss uncomfortable truths, by insisting all politicians lie. Often there are just two sides: truth versus lies. This is advantageous for the lying side. It achieves equal ground, it does not deserve. Lie should be disqualified.
There are certain people if lies were extricated from their speech, their speech would be less than a strict Trappist. donald trump is a liar, but occasionally when it benefits him, or when it works as a brag, there comes a true statement. Orange Caligula referred to Calgary Alberta's Rafael Cruz as “Lyin' Ted Cruz”. There he was exactly correct, for Cruz twists every sentence. I wonder if Cruz was bathed in oil sands, the greasy smarminess would be as thick as La Brea tar.
Spanky Bonespurs is famous for saying, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?”. His con man mendacity is accepted as gospel by trumpsters. His hubris of braggadocio transgression was said in certainty. But the spew of lies are egregious, continuous, and virtually infinite. His successful campaign in 2015 began with, “[Mexico] are sending people that have lots of problems, and they are bringing those problems to us. They are bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and their rapists.”. Hate and lies.
The press aids and abets. There are certain Republicans that always lie, and rarely get called on it: Reince Priebus, Schlapp, Scalise, Kellyanne Conway, and nearly anyone who is given the microphone to speak the Repuke side. And they are aggressive in falsity, hypocrisy and ridiculousness are not avoided. One reason is that if they were to speak the truth, it would turn away supporters. Another reason is that to advance in the party, ethics would hinder, perhaps forbid. The mainstream media's management and ownership are compromised, they have financial interests they cater to, and many agree with those interests. They also know the repukes cry often, and attack the press, and withhold access. This is effective pressure [blackmail] to have the media bend to them. In addition, the repukes, fascists, economic royalists, ultraconservatives have their shadow media, and they are willing to take a hit to get their propaganda out there. It is always power and money over conscience and truth. What is truth to be valued? What is a conscience?
It is good, and still too infrequent, that some of the press calls the trumpster election lies—“the big lie”. Those lies have seen success, and are part of the repuke brand and campaigns.
One current battle in this war is Twitter. A psychopath, repuke, billionaire wants to control a social media outlet. A number of lying, and hateful deplorables were banned for the damage they did to the public, and the country in their hate, lies, and sedition. Musk has welcomed them back. What gets one banned is to criticise him.