Saturday, July 14, 2012

inside Saint Casimir's to-day

Battery on camera dead, no photos. I was inside Saint Casimir's to-day. The people who were at the vigils were the people cleaning the church to-day, and getting the social hall/gym aired out. Everyone was excited about to-morrow. The "professionals" hired by the bishop did not do a thorough job. Krystyna, and Julia Moreno were waxing the dry floors. They had been dry for three years and sucked in the wax, and were still dry.

A cameraman came from WKYC-3. Later the new pastor, Eric Orzech, and an organist, David Krakowski, came. The organ was played well. There are new hymnals in the pews. John Niedzialek brought potted geraniums for the front steps. The church's doors were open, he promised himself to not enter the church proper until the Homecoming Mass.

The parish's statue of St. Anthony of Padua and Lisbon was substituted by a new and cheaper version. The Black Madonna of Częstochowa was missing. Water damaged a mural of Jesus with children and others, and around the Ascension window. The diocese knew for months the church was to be open, and several items are apparently lost to 'shrinkage'. Of course, we knew things were on the market.

It was great to see the stained glass windows. There have been many photos in this journal of the
main portico, the main doors of the church. The three light fixtures (with glass globes) and two gargoyles were unscathed by the weather, and from vandalism. During the unboarding, really just a few hours ago, the middlemost globe was broken. A parishioner was witness (she was cleaning to-day too), she scolded the worker; and a diocesan official snottily promised a new globe, and two hours later a non-matching one was in its place.

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