Friday, May 31, 2024

Holy Cross Columbus

The first Catholic church in Columbus Ohio was St. Remigius in the 1830s. A new larger church was in use January 1848, this one. This is the oldest church building in Columbus. The parish was renamed Holy Cross. There is a statue of Jesus, and at the base are the words "Follow me".  The local bishop suppressed the parish in April of last year, the church is still open to the faithful. The parish was absorbed by the cathedral. American bishops see parishes as corporate franchises to administer as the wish. Canon law sees them as Can. 120 §1. A juridic person is perpetual by its nature. Bishops often act as autocrats with full immunity from law. And Catholics who are clericalists, as many bishops are, do not appreciate any such criticism of such authoritarian behaviour, unless of course it interferes with them directly. That is what is known as hypocrisy. Speaking of hypocrisy, the building across the street is the Ohio Republican Party, it says its for sale. It was sold a long time ago.
Nephew and hound walking.
The narthex with statues of two favorite saints, St. Elisabeth of Hungary and Thuringia, and St. Anthony of Padua and Lisbon. Usually the other favorite non-Marian saint is St. Therese of Lisieux, she has a statue and a window inside. Before the visible picture is script on tile floor, reading Holy Cross Church. The church is beautiful, and has several statues, a beautiful main altar, and frescoes; but i am interested in windows a little moreso.
The church has Zettler windows from Munich, They waited at a dock in Germany for the First World War to end. They were excellent choices for a church. Some of the scenes are not that often seen, but hey are of important moments. The one supra is Jesus washing the feet of Peter on Holy Thursday.
This window is above the door that leads out to the narthex (and into the nave). it is the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Underneath, in chalk, is the inscription from this year's Feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany was the day that Easter dates were announced. The letters are the initials of the Magi. Epiphany celebrates their arrival to see Jesus.
Martha the dutiful, and Mary the listener, sisters in Bethany with their guest Jesus.
The miracle of the multiplication of five loaves, and two fish.
The miracle of Jesus raising the daughter of Jairus.
I have seen a few windows of the Flight into Egypt. I haven't gotten a satisfactory camera to capture the color detail of all the four faces, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and the burro (some people get shocked at the proper noun, and for those people the word donkey was invented). Remember the ass shows up at the Nativity, and the entrance into Jerusalem.
A round window is slightly rarer than a rectangular, or arched window. This is the Father and the Holy Spirit over a rood (crucifixion) statue group. 

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