Thursday, May 30, 2024

2024 Miscellany #8—another central Ohio road trip

Tuesday was a day full of beautiful clouds. Monday rained after overly warm days, and Wednesday rained as a colder day.
Khaki Campbell drake relaxing in Scioto Park Dublin. There were four escaped farm ducks there.
Dublin Arts Council has three snails from Cracking Art Collective. Cleveland had a larger contingent in the summer of 2016 [click].
AFL founded in 1886 in Columbus.
some interesting geometry in downtown Columbus
Winston the Welsh terrier, and his guardian/companion we met in Columbus. He pointed out that he had a cap with a Welsh terrier on it, while i had a greyhound on my cap. Winston had a collar full of Welsh dragon flags.
Painting in the Columbus Park of Roses
Norfolk & Western W2 2-8-0  Baldwin 1903 
Four companies made 202 of these steam locomotives between 1901 and 1905. This one is the only one that did not go to scrap. Number 917 operated until 1950.  In 2008 it came north to Ohio. It sits in Belleville with a diner made from a luggage car and a caboose.
The building was Bissman Wholesale Grocer Brewer Hotel is an awning made for the Shawshank Redemption moving picture. Mansfield has used that time for tourist promotion.
Mansfield, the front of this building was seen in Shawshank Redemption as the Brewer Hotel. They drank Stroh's in the movie. If you look closely, you can see Mail Pouch Tobacco underneath. Schlitz was the number one beer in America in 1902, and several times thereafter. It once was a good beer, and in the 1970s it was reformulated to be a bad beer.

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