Saturday, February 22, 2020


This year's Cleveland's Slovene pre-Lenten carnival parade began noon Saturday.
The launching and dressing area was in the new St. Martin of Porres High School. Their mascot is a lion.
Kozorog, the Slovene for Alpine ibex, is a national symbol.
A girl from St. Mary Slovenian school had a basket of krofi. Concerning ethnicity, or lack thereof, to-morrow a parish is scheduled to have a paczki Sunday, another donut Sunday, Slovenes have krofi.
Krampus is an Austrian demon figure that represents paganism in the Austrian Alps. The Carinthian region had been Slovene, and there is a mixed population.
This Saturday before Lent, the oldest Slovene neighborhood in Cleveland had a parade. Some well behaved dogs from he city kennel asked to be adopted. Here is 'Plinko':
In cartoons the little cute monster can be surprisingly dangerous.
A whippersnapper leads some Kurenti.
The Kurent is the mythological creature that chases away winter before Lent. This is the feathered variety, his head has wings. The red appendage is his tongue. 
click and see: 2013, 2014, 2014a, 2016, 2017, 2018,

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