Thursday, August 22, 2019

The first to see the world, want the world to continue

 Jurij Aleksejevič Gagarin is in the Cleveland Cultural Gardens.
Growing up during the space race and the cold war, who would have thought there would be memorials to Russians in America. On top of the helmet are the Cyrillic letters for SSSR, which translates into English as USSR.
  Gagarin was the first man in space, and he saw the beauty of this world, and the necessity to keep it so.
There are quite a few of this particular bust around the world, including Colorado Springs, Washington DC, Long Island, Antarctica, Bethlehem [supra]...  Ruslan Fatalievich Bayramov has given these busts by the sculptor Aleksej Leonov [coincidentally, another Aleksej Leonov was the first man to walk in space]. Bayramov created Dialogue of Cultures to advance knowledge in Russia and the world. He has created an ethnographic tourist park and museum in Kaluga Russia. Trying to research his history, could not find the source of his wealth. His parents were philologists in Baku, his mother Russian, and his father Azeri Turk.

And the Ethiopians see the beauty of the world, the danger it currently is in, and the necessity to preserve the world and its wonders. They note 'Lucy' [upper left panel] was the oldest human ancestor, she lived in what is now Ethiopia, and was found by Cleveland scientists. Saturday will be the formal unveiling of  the mosaics in the Ethiopian Garden. Zerihun Yetmgeta created the original art, and Ernesto Spinelli was the mosaic artist who made it into mosaics in Cleveland. They and the Ethiopian ambassador will be at the ceremony.

There are several plaques on both sides explaining the images.

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