Sunday, August 25, 2019

74th annual One World Day Parade

This was the first time the Puertorriqueños were in this parade, and they brought Vejigantes. They were a first for me. Puerto Rico has streams of culture from Spain, Africa, and American Indians (Taíno). Vejigantes came from celebrating Fiesta de Santiago Apostól (July 25). He was called the Moorslayer. People dressed as demons to represent the Moors, who were finally defeated in Spain in 1492. 

Vejiga is a cow bladder, and gigante is a giant. The costume has a mask (careta), a large cape. In Puerto Rico, especially in Ponce, they come in carnival season. They show up for other celebrations. I read, the mask has an Indian format, and the Africa component is the drumming accompaniment, and dance.
 They looked like a happy troupe.
One can only get a good view from higher ground. Some people do not realise that Puerto Rico has been a US territory for well over a century. One of the some is, of course, the idiot racist who is occupying the presidency. Such a person does not understand America comes together. "America First" is to foment division.
The main celebration was the 30 year anniversary of people in the Baltic States holding hands across the countries, in the last year of the Soviet state (23 August 1989). Some two million people over 400 miles made a human chain.
Most of the units have a garden in the Cleveland Cultural Gardens. Brasil does not. Someone is holding a sign referring to the catastrophe across Amazonia's rain forest (and the insane current government).
The French also do not have a garden. They are listed to have one. Cultural Gardens without the French...tsk, tsk, tsk. They were waiting for a few more people to come. We need Marianne. They did not have Lady Liberty with them...sacre bleu.
 But someone else did. Vive la liberté!
 This is Cleveland, but from Pittsburgh a contingent joined the Chinese.
 People watched from the sidewalks and grass.
Growing up in Cold War America, one would not expect people in Russian military uniforms marching on Liberty Boulevard. To-day, a bust of Cosmonaut Jurij Gagarin was scheduled to be dedicated.
 Serbs in folk costume. Sheepskin in summer, can not be too comfortable.

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