To-night there is a group Republican talking event in Las Vegas. As per usual, i shant watch.
I have always been negatively impressed with those money making commentators on politics. I have found my judgments better (although i was wrong on the choice of Cleveland as a convention city). Years ago, i used to see George Will on ABC and in the Athens Messenger. I saw a pompous, arrogant, pretender to great knowledge and wisdom. Other than being a vacation buddy of Ronnie Reagan, he had little substance. Then came Rush Limbaugh to bullshit the people for Republicans. I cannot get a cup of coffee for my views.
Trump is a rich, loud mouth idiot that has hurt people, and will continue to do so. There is a portion of the Republicans whom abhor the prospect of 'the Trump', or is it 'the Donald', but y'no, the actual difference amongst the passengers of the demonic clown bus is too little to parse. Trump is merely the loudest, while Carson is the softest in voice. Trump is the most apparent, because he uses smaller words, and repeats them for emphasis. It is hard for those who wish to present a mild middle to present him as such. The ethos behind these very representative individuals of their party is troubling. The Republican powers that be, Republican strategists, and diehards are also worried about the 'tarnishing of their brand'. They are delusional, this is their brand. And Trump is not the worst. The vilest candidate is the Canadian immigrant with the Spanish name. Practically everyone that knows, or has dealt with Rafael Cruz detests him. When Bill Clinton was around, there was talk of 'FoB' (Friends of Bill). There are no friends of 'Ted'. There are millions who think like Ted.
The boys in charge will do their damnest in machinations to derail the Donald. For the sake of democracy, Trump is the best Republican. He is the only one that tells the truth on his comrades, while telling the same lies they do to the public. Donald once (well probably many times) said, “Part of the beauty of me is that I am very rich”. That money buys freedom of speech, he will say what he will without worrying about censure by the bosses. For those of you that have the taste, and the dollars, for prised wines—look for a 1964 vintage.