Sunday, July 9, 2017

sprucing up Lincoln Park

Lincoln Park is between W.11th and 14th, in what is now called Tremont. Previously it was University Heights, before Lincoln became president, and the South Side later. The city is spending resources to nicen it up.
A new gazebo replaced the previous one in the center of Lincoln Park, and it was ready for use by the local outdoor Shakespeare company for shrew taming on July 2nd. [i have been trying to find a foto of the old one]
and a little humour
Don't know who placed the Vatican City flag by this little evergreen. Cleveland has a place in Christmas tree history. It was not the first one in America, but the first one that got in trouble. They may not count, but the Hessian soldiers during the War of Independence celebrated Christmas, and with Christmas trees. Later, other Germans would do so in Pennsylvania, and New York. In 1851, Heinrich Christian Schwan and his wife had one in their Zion Lutheran church. Cleveland was a Yankee controlled town then, and it attacked Schwan and his people in the papers. The year after several people had Christmas trees. For years there has been a ceremony at Schwan's grave at Lake View Cemetery in December.
 Across the 14th side, St Augustine is having their windows repaired.
Across the 11th street side, Our Lady of Mercy's campus has been turned into apartments. This was the rectory.

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