“But judgment shall be revealed as water, and justice as a mighty torrent.” — Amos v. 24. DR
Cleveland Jewish Center in 1920, now Cory Methodist Church
Amos (fl. 8ᵗʰC. BC) was one of the Twelve Minor Prophets, his day on the Roman Calendar is the 31ˢᵗ of March. His book is remembered for beauty of language. Justice, and behaving justly was a major theme. This image of Justice as flowing water makes for an excellent inscription for fountains. One such fountain is in Montgomery Alabama from 1989. Civil Rights Memorial at Southern Poverty Law Center had Maya Lin as the architect. She is remembered for the Vietnam War Monument in the District of Columbia. Martin Luther King Jr. knew, and used this verse. He alluded to it in the “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963. Water is necessary for life, justice is necessary.
“But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.” — Amos v. 24. KJV
Sometimes justice can be viewed in the manner some look at change. First, by little drabs and drips, then all at once.
Of course, i bring this up in regards to Orange Caligula. It is so beyond amazing that Cadet Bonespurs has skated away on everything. Donnie the name caller-in-chief is a conman, a grifter, and though very successful at it, Spanky Combover is not adept, nor a smooth bag of fumes and odors. Agolf Twitler is extremely, obnoxiously, loud, and naked in his performance. Trumple-thin-skin is an horrible creature, psychiatrists diagnose him a malignant narcissist. Treason Covefe's chief talent is finding compliant, and evil minions. Comrade Clown's greatest ability in business is to fail, and to cheat everyone, and to live to do so continuously. Circus Peanut Mussolini has had three teachers: his evil father Fred; the political propagandist, anti-Catholic bigot, claptrap gibberish of “positive thinking” preacher Norman Vincent Peale; and the diabolic, vicious, shyster lawyer Roy Cohn. Here is the most astounding thing, Dolt 45 is stupid, and hjuuuudjlly ignorant. What is his secret? The only thing i can fathom is Cheato Merdalordo is under special protection of the Devil.
Beginning with the XVIIIᵗʰ canto of Dante's “Inferno” is the eighth circle of Hell——Malebolge, the evil ditches. It is the circle of fraud, and it continues to canto XXX. “Inferno” has XXXIV cantos. There is much punishment for fraud in Hell. There are ten ditches there, the second part of the first one is for flatterers. Line 116 in XVIII, “vidi un col capo sì di merda lordo, (i saw a head so filthy with shit,)”, and i discern _____.