Thursday, September 1, 2022

Republican speak—candidate quality

It is rare when a Republican makes a truthful admission. Marble-mouthed Moscow Mitch, the sleazy, slimy, serpentine Senate leader made one on the 18th of August. The press and political prognosticators have called for a Republican ascendancy, almost since Biden's inauguration. The forecasts are changing slowly, more slowly than reality. As Mencken noted, Americans are a pretty dumb lot. The one adage the faux savants of political commentary do correctly employ is that voters have a short memory (with exceptions). The last federal elections were Democracy versus Fascism, and so are the upcoming ones. Hair Furor lost, lied (well constantly), and did not want to leave. His putsch failed. Orange Caligula has not stopped plotting.

'Candidate quality' is business jargon for hiring. Spanky Covefe has involved himself in Repukican primaries. The quality he demands from candidates is the repetition of his lies. This gives the more despicable, and deranged individuals currency.

“The problem the Republican Party has is that they got really stupid people that vote in their primaries, and… really stupid people demand to have really stupid leaders. That’s where the Republican Party is now.” — James Carville
Now, whether a Repuke is vilely reprehensible, or not, it does not much matter politically. They will act as a unified, unflinching bloc on most matters. Those who act on conscience will be ostracized. So which particular miscreant is chosen is of little difference, outside of histrionics. Now in some districts, and states any Monster (R) will win; in others not so much.

The commentariat is now reeling in their cast. McConnell has given them the signal. “I think there’s probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate.  Senate races are just different. Candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome.” What he admits to is obvious [it is not possible to gerrymander a senate race], and he does not mention Biden's successes, the Supreme Court, or Trump's continuous treason.

These less than stellar candidates are legion. Very few read my essays, a lengthy essay is not practical for me to type. I will mention only a few of the horses' asses.

Florida and Texas have two incumbent performing fascists, who aspire to the presidency, as governors; both are running for re-election. In Texas, Beto Rourke (a gifted speaker, and maybe a good and sincere man) is again running against a major malefactor. Rourke lost his Senate bid against the largest cesspool in the Senate, the one senator who is hated by all senators, Rafael Canadian Cancun Cruz.

The premier charlatan the Repukes are running for senator is in the Pennsylvanian race. He lives in New Jersey. He is a Turkish agent, but primarily he is a celebrity quack. He was unleashed on America by Oprah Winfrey, and given a national teevee show, which he has used to enrich himself, partly by promoting fraudulent cures and nonsense. No surprise that the Donald approved. In Baum's story, the Wizard of Oz admitted he was a fraud.

The billionaire class puts up candidates to do their financial wants, and whims. Much of literate America realises that Koch Industries has selected many Republicans, but there are other billionaires that reach with their tentacles to arrange a politic garden. One such is Peter Thiel, a queer Nazi, who has put his millionaire employees as the senatorial candidates in Arizona, and Ohio. The one in Arizona (who may be an ex-paramour, but current political etiquette frowns on outing; but Miss Lindsey gets elected easily, time after time) is running against an incumbent who was an astronaut, and whose wife survived a political assassination.

The goofiest race is in Georgia. The current governor and his allies have done everything they could within the law, and much outside the law, to limit the voting rolls. It is easier to win elections, when you choose who votes. Kemp is running for election in a rematch against Abrams, who increased the voting rolls. In Georgia, for some time, nearly all the white congressman have been especially repugnant. But the goofiest race is for US Senate. Even before Trumple-thin-skin, white supremacy has been supreme in the South. Two generations ago it switched parties. This senate contest is between two black men. The incumbent is a Democrat, Raphael Warnock, pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church Atlanta. The same church as the Kings. The other candidate is a former employee of Cadet Bone Spurs. Herschel Walker played Georgia football, and has not lived in the state for years. He has a history of severe mental problems, he probably also has football brain injuries. His comprehension, and speech patterns suggest dementia. The lack of sanity is emblematic of the Republican Partei, and electorate. Yet, the polls showed to the public are astonishingly close. Bloody well how?

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