Wednesday, April 29, 2020

tulip search

Tulips were from central Asia, and have been in Persian gardens for over a thousand years. Many people think they are Dutch, but they made it through to Europe from the Ottoman Turks. The red tulip is symbolic of Turkey, and these are in the Turkish Cultural Garden.
The tulips will come up in the spring after they are established. A lot of the garden's mulch has been washed onto the sidewalk and beyond. A couple feet away, this empty sat. Above the tulips there was a lot of broken glass, and bottle caps.

Rockefeller Greenhouse and grounds have been, and are still closed to the public. Some flowers are visible from outside the fences. Dolphin statue may be from the old aquarium.

work goes on
one of the houses on East Boulevard

Sunday, April 26, 2020

west side Cleveland foto safari

Went bird chasing Thursday.  Found out that six white pelicans were photographed Tuesday by a breakwall near Whiskey Island. Most interesting, bird i saw, was a kingfisher that darted about, but would not pose. This red wing posed for a few seconds.
A bridge walkway, and new foot paths are in progress at Wendy Park. Here is the steel skeleton of a support, before concrete is poured.
Guessing this is a reference to a new cable teevee series about tiger collectors.
Saloon on Denison with new signage.
West 25th & Detroit
count the bunched tree stumps

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Battery Park

 this foto 17 August 2012
Across from the west shoreway, and separated from Edgewater Beach and Lake Erie is Battery Park. The smoke stack is from a former factory that made batteries. Recently, and still going up are expensive condominium apartments, a little park, and a saloon that has changed owners and names. Closer to Detroit Road are the remaining older stock of working class homes, and the parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel--West.
Near by i have posted the statues of John Kilbane [click], here on the outside of a saloon and brew house, a painting of the featherweight champion (1912-23) has gone up.
Along Detroit, and Lorain, a few of these 'Banksy' style silhouettes have been created. These two are by the Kilbane mural.

 glass buebird


Friday, April 24, 2020

sakura 2020

Brookside Reservation of Cleveland Metroparks is a very good place to walk your hounds in April, during Japanese cherry blossom time.
Many trees, thousands of blossoms, no bees.
 man. wolf, flowering cherry trees


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

2020 Miscellany #6

Bricklaying can be an artistic trade. The layering of courses forming bond patterns are pleasing to the eye. On this small front porch, someone formed a mathematical symbol. The Ben Casey teevee show began with the chalking of a slate board and a calm musical intro. The voice of Sam Jaffe, whose character (Dr. David Zorba) was a mentor to Dr. Casey, would composedly name the symbols drawn, “♂ man ... ♀ woman ... * birth ... † death ... ∞ infinity”; then a wheeled gurney, with patient covered by a sheet would burst through swinging doors, followed by shots of the two leads, a large light would click on, and the operating amphitheatre would be seen all accompanied by an instrumental theme of some tension. [click]
Someone has broken a record.
in Parma, 20 April
 before you cut cable, make sure it is not live (electrified)
 Canadian goose, white heron (great egret), North Ridgeville 21 April

Monday, April 20, 2020

Virus & the deplorables

Hillary was right.
“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? They're racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic – Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people – now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive hateful mean-spirited rhetoric. Now, some of those folks – they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America. – Hillary Clinton. September 9th 2016. New York City.
April 15th. Lansing Michigan Statehouse. Trumpsters, some with assault rifles.[foto AFP]
Two fotos, Denver near Statehouse by Alyson McClaran on Sunday the 19th.
 Two nurses on the frontline against the disease
Trump wanted America opened by Easter (April 12th). Officially, reluctantly, he had to take that back. The country, and the world have been taken aback by this corona virus plague. He has made it covfefe-19. It is not safe to go on as if it is gone; it is not. Trump spent weeks minimising the possible outcome. He likened it to a “hoax”. Now, he is foisting near daily propaganda rallies disguised as information briefings. He tells countless and ridiculous lies, insults people, attacks the press, expects to be praised, takes no responsibility, and now encourages his deplorables to feign attacking state governments to countermand his federal guidelines.

Who is this fascist rabble? The left over teabagger idiots with yellow, rattlesnake flags and trumpsters with extra large Trump flags. States with (mostly Democratic) governors that are taken things prudentially, and seriously have had co-ordinated motley mobs walk about and scream by statehouses and stop traffic [operation gridlock]. Some of these groups are being paid by ultra-conservative billionaires, and their surviving foundations (Koch Brothers, DeVoses, Coorses) [that's right, dead fascists are having their wills enacted]. They are egged on by radio mouthfoamers and charlatans, Fox network and the alt-right media, Facebook users, and Orange Caligula himself, who said on Friday, “These are people expressing their views … they seem to be very responsible people to me”. This compares to how well he referred to similar fascists in Charlottesville in August of 2017.

Other deplorables are racist neo-nazi street fighters (Proud Boys), gun nuts, anti-vaxers, so called “fundamentalist” religious extremists, militia groups, and other assorted racists and fascists–e.g. the anti-semite with this pre-printed sign that combines the Israeli flag, with a rat with the slogan, “the real plague”.
Columbus Ohio by the Statehouse. April 18th, foto by Laura Hancock.
Zombie trumpsters. foto taken by Josh Bickel from inside the Ohio Statehouse, April 13th.
postscriptum: 9.17 p.m. 20 April 2020. On proof reading, i noticed, that the top quote had some other text attached to it. I type on this template while drafting, and sometimes the page resets, and skips while i am typing, which leads in garbled sentences with text from other places of the draft.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

April is the cruellest month...

so begins T.S.Eliot's 1922 poem, "the Wasteland"
Here in Ohio we are living in semi-quarantine in the time of a novel plague, this coronavirus, or covfefe-19. Orange Caligula, this psychotic traitor is using language that can easily be understood as calling for an insurrection in three states with Democratic governors. Using algebraic graphing terms, we here [in Ohio] may be at peak, or apex of the curve plotting the illness. DeWine, the governor, though highly partisan, is a competent Republican. Ohio has been actively mitigating the outbreak, but pressure is mounting to get back to "normal". He points to the Arnold sporting event as being the first event in the state to be reduced, well that is Columbus. In Cleveland it was the St. Patrick parade, and for the state it was the primary election on the same day. Now mail in ballots will be accepted until the 28th of April. His cancelling of the election was an extra-constitutional action. Some days later, the Democratic governor of Wisconsin could not cancel Wisconsin's primary because an alliance of Republicans throughout the state, and the US Supreme Court would not allow it. Well, as we know, there are different rules for Republicans; but in retrospect, it was a good thing to delay the Ohio vote, and the Ohio Republicans did allow (so far) the vote to be continued; but it must be said, the original date [the 17th] was done to further Republican interests.
 bunny balloon selling sausage April 17
Parma is a very ethnic town, meaning it has concentrations of non-Anglo Saxons. One group are Ukrainians, and there are some that are aligned with the Roman church, and he others are Orthodox. This is one of the years, in which Easter is on two different dates—April 12, and April 19. Eastern Europeans mark Resurrection Sunday by food celebrations, which include the blessing of food baskets, that include some of the foods that were abstained from during the lenten fast. Several nations have sausages: kiełbasa (Poland), kovbasa (Ukraine), klobasa (Slovenia, Slovakia, Czechia), kolbász (Hungary), kobasica (Croatia, Serbia)...

  April 17 muscari
April 18
 almost all snow gone
 April 18
Sakura—Japanese cherry blossoms April 18
Had to wait a long time to get this picture, people were parked and doing a pregnancy fetish shoot, and were dawdling afterwards typing on their portable phones.

Now that i have found a few spots around here, i go to visit at times. Between Ridge Road, next to a freeway, and behind the Cleveland Zoo is Brookside Drive. One section was planted by the Japanese community. I like to see them in bud, in bloom, and in petal descent. The weather changes the days when this happen. We have had a cold, and wet April. Thursday the 16th, and Friday there was snow. The grass and soil are saturated.
postscriptum: just before noon Sunday the 19th, i shot this through the chain links of a fence outside the Rockefeller Greenhouse [entire property is verboten]. Then two trucks pulled in, i asked about taking pictures of the tulips. The woman said,"yeah outside the fence".

Thursday, April 16, 2020

lake effect snow

 daffodils will rise again
muscari in the snow

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

walking the Cultural Gardens

A beautiful place in Cleveland are the Cultural Gardens, and they are mostly ignored. Outside of certain events, there is not much foot traffic. The city has workers doing some maintenance. Some joggers run on Liberty Blvd., East is usually clear. Shakespeare (British) Garden needs some care. The listed Scottish Garden, next to it has nothing added to it, just a spot on the map.
 Karma is looking after squirrels.
The Gardens like positive coverage. The Peace Garden has little care. The abandoned apartment building next to it has a sign reading future welcome center.