so begins T.S.Eliot's 1922 poem, "the Wasteland".
Here in Ohio we are living in semi-quarantine in the time of a novel plague, this coronavirus, or covfefe-19. Orange Caligula, this psychotic traitor is using language that can easily be understood as calling for an insurrection in three states with Democratic governors. Using algebraic graphing terms, we here [in Ohio] may be at peak, or apex of the curve plotting the illness. DeWine, the governor, though highly partisan, is a competent Republican. Ohio has been actively mitigating the outbreak, but pressure is mounting to get back to "normal". He points to the Arnold sporting event as being the first event in the state to be reduced, well that is Columbus. In Cleveland it was the St. Patrick parade, and for the state it was the primary election on the same day. Now mail in ballots will be accepted until the 28th of April. His cancelling of the election was an extra-constitutional action. Some days later, the Democratic governor of Wisconsin could not cancel Wisconsin's primary because an alliance of Republicans throughout the state, and the US Supreme Court would not allow it. Well, as we know, there are different rules for Republicans; but in retrospect, it was a good thing to delay the Ohio vote, and the Ohio Republicans did allow (so far) the vote to be continued; but it must be said, the original date [the 17th] was done to further Republican interests.

bunny balloon selling sausage April 17
Parma is a very ethnic town, meaning it has concentrations of non-Anglo Saxons. One group are Ukrainians, and there are some that are aligned with the Roman church, and he others are Orthodox. This is one of the years, in which Easter is on two different dates—April 12, and April 19. Eastern Europeans mark Resurrection Sunday by food celebrations, which include the blessing of food baskets, that include some of the foods that were abstained from during the lenten fast. Several nations have sausages: kiełbasa (Poland), kovbasa (Ukraine), klobasa (Slovenia, Slovakia, Czechia), kolbász (Hungary), kobasica (Croatia, Serbia)...
April 17 muscari
April 18
almost all snow gone
April 18
Sakura—Japanese cherry blossoms April 18
Had to wait a long time to get this picture, people were parked and doing a pregnancy fetish shoot, and were dawdling afterwards typing on their portable phones.
Now that i have found a few spots around here, i go to visit at times. Between Ridge Road, next to a freeway, and behind the Cleveland Zoo is Brookside Drive. One section was planted by the Japanese community. I like to see them in bud, in bloom, and in petal descent. The weather changes the days when this happen. We have had a cold, and wet April. Thursday the 16th, and Friday there was snow. The grass and soil are saturated.
postscriptum: just before noon Sunday the 19th, i shot this through the chain links of a fence outside the Rockefeller Greenhouse [entire property is verboten]. Then two trucks pulled in, i asked about taking pictures of the tulips. The woman said,
"yeah outside the fence".