The War for the Union demarcated the national history in twain. There was the antebellum period, and the post. A new party triumphed. Its initial leader, Abraham Lincoln, was always in a precarious position of acceptance and hatred. The war ended, and he was assassinated. The new party, the Republicans, had power. In Congress they had a 3 to 1 advantage, and in commerce they had [war] profits. They have never believed the two should be separated.
"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." -- Benito Mussolini
Republican power ended with the onset of the Great Depression, which was created in part by Republican economic policies [which have returned]. Franklin Roosevelt won a landslide in 1932. Immediately, Wall Street businessmen conspired for a coup, that was brought to light by General Smedley Butler. Butler was the most heavily decorated Marine in history, and in that action he did more than all those previous medals had signified. Roosevelt saved America, and led the Allies in defeating international Fascism. The most implacable foes of Franklin Roosevelt, and his legacy, are Republicans. The party exists to undo everything Roosevelt did, except for military expansion.

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