Both Presidents Roosevelt spoke there, as well as men who should have been (Wm. J. Bryan). Men of saintly character, Cesar Chavez and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, came and spoke. Absolute scoundrels have come such as: Michael Milken, and Richard Cheney. Three years, to the day, after gwbjr began bombing Iraq in an unnecessary war, instigated by his running mate (mentioned in the last sentence), he came and spoke. His father did the same, several times.
On June 15, 2012 Peter Borré, Co-Chairman, Council of Parishes came. His topic: A Tale of Two Dioceses. Why is this of interest? Well, the speech and questions were broadcast on three local radio stations, and a television station. The programme is syndicated nationwide (in some 40 states).
The topic he spoke on was the Catholic Church, and its local administrator. Now, that administrator is the divisive, and overbearing, Richard Lennon. Borré spoke of the situation in Rome, and Philadelphia. Primarily, he spoke of his home town, Boston, and Cleveland. These last two sees share the "residue" of Lennon's destructions.
Several people could have spoke on this topic as native Clevelanders. No local would be considered having an impressive resumé. The journalist and author, Jason Berry, spoke in part in a less publicised City Club Forum on this. Berry's talk was on the rôle of money in the national church, and the Vatican. Berry had interviewed Borré for that book. Borré has become a minor national celebrity in his vigorous defense of the Catholic Church, and its people, against foolish bishops destroying parish life.
It is beyond question, that, Lennon is part of the local establishment and power. At any time, he can have his versions given full airing. There are many people that will repeat verbatim (including his inconsistencies). They equate him with the Church, and will defend him to the nth degree.
Now, of the many Catholic laity who have disagreement with lennonism, they are lucky to have fifteen seconds of airtime, or one sentence in print; and those snippets are chosen by the press, and the pressures monitoring the press. This is why Borré's free speech was so noteworthy. It was the first time, someone spoke at length, uninterrupted, uncensored, unedited to the broad public about this grave debacle that is lennonism. And this was done in a nationally respected forum, and easily, the most respected in town.
Borré challenged the local clergy to publicly call for the removal of Lennon. Fifty-eight priests did so for the earlier Cardinal Archbishop of Boston, Bernard Law. Law was the premiere conservative US churchman. He created Lennon. If not for Law, Lennon would have remained unknown, save for a few parishes (or less) about Boston. Law left for Rome, resigned, and did not return. Lennon acted in his absence, and then was demoted to Cleveland. Lennon, currently, stands in non-compliance to eleven Vatican mandates.
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