Monday, March 17, 2025

Remembering St. Brigid


St. Brigid is one of the three patron saints of Ireland. She died 1500 years ago, and she is the theme of this year's parade in Cleveland O., and perhaps elsewhere.
St. Brigid's Cross is traditionally woven from straw or rushes. There are several designs, the one supra is most seen in displays.
One of the yearly regular units are the unicycles from Newbury's St. Helen.
The first vehicle to be called a bicycle is now called a penny farthing, or high wheel. In England during the later part of the 19thC they were popular until the modern bicycle replaced them. The funny nickname referred to the different sized wheels. A penny used to be a large sized coin, and a farthing was quite small.
There were eleven (i think) high school bands to march. It is a long parade, and two hours after it starts, some are still waiting to start. So there is down time a plenty.
Groups in costume are welcomed additions to the parade, here some members of the Empire's 501st Legion.
The Chinese come festive, two of the Kwan Family lion dancers.
dragon dancers
Krazy Kops' prisoners mingle with Geneva's Grape Princesses. Instant class portraits happen often on Superior Avenue.
In costume to promote gathering aluminum cans for burn patients.

Posing with Greyhounds #14

Darth Vader wishes he had a greyhound. Karma was willing to allow him to pretend. The Force is strong with her.
When some people see a greyhound approaching.
Aengus and Karma go nose to nose.
Buckeye Santa likes dogs.
Chinese mascots like greyhounds.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

the kakosphere

 “Now is the winter of our discontent” — Richard III. act I, scene i, line 1.

The kakosphere is the basest layer of socio-political life. The term kakosphere derives from the Greek words κακά (poop) and σφαίρα (sphere). In the current season it has expanded on the planet by some 350 millions, and is threatening to engulf further territory. It has settled onto the central portion of the northern American continent from ocean to ocean. A very large kakosphere has been in existence on the vast northern lands that join Europe with Asia.

The catalyst here is a certain orange-hued malignant psychopath. Unlike standard psychopaths, this abomination is well below average mental capability. Its success has been due to its ability to infect susceptible human organisms. This transmission stems ultimately from supernatural evil.

In a particular branch of philosophy, theology, especially classical Christian thought, posits the Devil is the father of all lies. This agent of societal destruction has been documented as history's most incessant and prodigious liar. The vast majority of these falsities are readily apparent, and many obviously ridiculous and ludicrous. Now, the lies of the Devil serve to corrupt humanity. This demonic catspaw's foremost facility is to gather the corrupt, and corrupt those that are corruptible. This pestilence already has raged across the planetary surface. Those individuals whose senses are even mildly acute recognise this contagion to be a colossal calamity.

It has acquired a predilection for global expanse. It has demonstrated inclinations to alter maps. At first it was to produce false evidentiary nonsense on a specific climate condition then current at the moment. Now this canker of civilisation threatens the world's political conditions that allow life to exist and evolve on Earth.

When it voiced its lust for land expansion, most people found the words empty, comical, and absurd. It wants Greenland, Canada, the Panama Canal, and now the Gaza strip. The first two by absorption, if possible; the third by surrender, the fourth is in progress by genocide, or as the term now in use 'ethnic cleansing'. This process was begun by the serial prime minister of the Israeli state. But it was telegraphed by the orange felon-in-chief's son-in-law, in the not so distant past. After the massacres, there will follow deportations to complete the depopulation of Palestinians.

Beyond the danger to foreign lands, there is an evisceration of the American domestic government. In this, it is aided by the most auspiciously avaricious man in this world, who also covets Mars. This forked freak of a chimera (Caligula, and the illegal immigrant) has eviscerated the government, the same government that Americans have crowed about for generations as being superior to any in the world. United States of America can not be considered a force for good in the world, it is a danger, it is a menace.

And what has it done to Americans on a daily basis? The worst behaviours are encouraged. People have been given permission to be beasts. And they proselytise. Coarse, loutish, brutish, criminal, anti-social, misogynisyic, racist, xenophobic, bigoted, thuggish, fascist behaviours are allowed, acceptable, and admired.

When this sarcoma wielded power for a past term, it was slightly hindered. Patriotic individuals of some courage stood in resistance and condemnation. Now it seems the situation has been gamed to permit atrocity unchecked. Last time it allowed a viral plague to kill hundreds of thousands in the US. It wants medical prevention halted, and arrested. It has dismissed the laws of the land, and those willing to be lawful; in substitution it has placed miscreants, competent and incompetent in their stead.

Before the remnants of the law can react, it has placed criminals, and kleptocrats in office. Previously the major press entities have co-operated in protection, dissemination, and circulation of insipid, fascist propaganda favorable to the régime. It shows no signs of rehabilitation.

Illegal police activities have commenced. Those that are engaging in treasonous, political, and grand fiscal crime are free to act. What this government is installing are forces to impose fear, and exercise  retribution, and punishment. We are in the first days of a nascent dictatorship. And no remorse, nor admission of guilt by the idiots who complicitly voted for the catastrophe. — Ω ☨

Monday, January 27, 2025

Republicans versus Christians

"1) it is the sense of the House of Representatives that the sermon given at the National Prayer Service on January 21st, 2025, at the National Cathedral was a display of political activism; and
(2) the House of Representatives condemns the Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde’s distorted message."
[click here for link]

Free speech, religious speech, Christian belief are being attacked, and an attempt to silence and suppress them is underway. Some twenty trump worshiping congressmen are co-sponsors of this resolution. Deplorables voted in by deplorables.

At a time when so many men are cowards, or worse, it is good that some women are willing to be brave. Bishop Mariann Budde acted in the spirit of Jesus. She spoke for those in danger to the individual most responsible in creating the danger.

Shakespeare knew human character. Here Richard is sly enough to be tricky with syllogism. Anne here comes to the correct comparison, she went beyond to-day's Bishop Budde.

Lady Anne: No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity.
Richard: But I know none, and therefore am no beast. Richard III (I.ii.71-2)

Trump is merciless. Moses spoke to faro, and faro was hardened to be more hardened.


foto: New York Times

Thursday, January 9, 2025

praise, orations, & lessons

I watched President's Carter state funeral, and was struck by a number of things. The song, 'Imagine', was performed. Reading Wikipedia, i was informed that it was also done at Mrs. Carter's funeral. The Carters, in travelling the world, had heard it many times in several countries. The melody is pleasant, it is a wistful song. Now the first line, 'Imagine there's no heaven', is problematic to people who play a rigidly, pious role.

foto from Wikipedia, in Central Park New York City

I remember a mass, in which the priest said he did not allow the song 'My way' used at a man's funeral. It was non-Christian. The way of Jesus was not the purview of the song. Imagine is to create a vision that exists only in the mind; it is a conjecture. The song speaks to an ideal state of community of all people having no quarrel or objection with all the people, a sort of utopia. Utopia is no place.

Now, the last episode of the third season of WKRP, a preacher wanted to be the censor for a radio station. This was April 1981. The actor, Richard Paul, was cast because of his resemblance to Jerry Falwell. Falwell, presented himself as jolly and polite while being pompous and deceptive. He created an organization similar to the goals of the teevee episode. Falwell was on teevee himself a lot during the 1980s. Ted Koppel of ABC had him on many nights, and allowed him to hold forth.

What was the problem. The actor said, "…sounds like communism…", and "…typical of the kind of secular liberal humanist point of view that gluts our airwaves". Two knee jerk responses that are catch-alls. Everything that they disapprove of is 'communism', and 'communism' is one hundred percent the enemy. This sort of political, and social view demands to have absolute censorship over all people, and all thought. The dreamers, who imagine in the song, want a better world with better people; they may strive thought, but they know it is not reachable. Those who would prohibit them, work actively to have that power.

Now, while living then, born again evangelicals were new terms to me. They were Baptist Protestants. Both Carter, and Falwell were in these categories, and they were southerners. Jimmy Carter ran for president in 1976, and in 1980. In 1976, those groups voted for Carter. In 1980, those groups voted against him, and he lost. What changed? President Biden gave a short, and pointed eulogy, "A white Southern Baptist who led us on civil rights". Biden praised Carter for his "character and faith". He alluded to the words of the Prophet Micah, which a previous eulogist directly quoted, "what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?".

Biden also said, "...We have an stand up to what my dad used to say is the greatest sin of all: The abuse of power...". President Biden, as did others, were allowing the world evidence. Evidence to be heard, and to compare, the good use of power which Jimmy Carter used. That comparison also would be a lesson to the next president; but that portion of the attempt is in vain. Perhaps others would do so. There the message was sent out into the world.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

2024 Miscellany #18 — & Xmas too

Greg Mankis. Total Eclipse. 2024. Cleveland.
 The second mural of public art in Cleveland that shows the eclipse. I talked to the painter earlier [click].
panther chameleon at Cleveland Botanical Gardens
Karma playtime
saw Marbles again
Timothy Schmalz. When I Was Sick (Matthew 25). Cleveland Clinic Lutheran Hospital.
Medusa [click previous appearance]
Say, who are the people in your neighborhood? The people that you meet each day. ~ Sesame Street
On Christmas day, on Christmas day...⁠On Christmas day in the morning.
Lovely, joyous serendipity, we were walking about Wade Oval Cleveland, and saw a man wearing a kilt. He began to play Christmas tunes, and then one about a dreidel. His wife was working at a nearby hospital in the 'n.i.c.u.'
Thomas & Karma
on a porch, on a side street

Thursday, December 5, 2024

2024 Miscellany #17

40°F on a late Sunday of November at Lakewood Park
Smiers (sp?) Family were posing for family fotos, and we interrupted. Hired photographer not pleased.
part of the egg gate at Dike 14
Chinese arch in former parking lot on Payne, Cleveland
Arlin Graff. for Julian Wood. North Olmsted. 2024. 
This happy little green dinosaur is something a three year old boy would have liked. In June, he was stabbed to death by a psychotic woman, a few yards away in the shopping center parking lot. 
“Posside sapientiam quia auro melior est et adquire prudentiam quia pretiosior est argento.”  — Proverbs xvi. 16.
“Get wisdom, because it is better than gold: and purchase prudence, for it is more precious than silver.”    
Odd, this is over a doorway at a university [John Carroll] with a College of Business.
Christmas soldiers. Olmsted Falls Ohio.

Happy 65th

Thursday, November 28, 2024

some remaining Jewish marks


The brick and stone ornaments on Ohel Jacob Anshe Sfard (Tent of Jacob Sephardic Congregation) 1925-1957 remain [infra & supra]. Cleveland proper had a Jewish population, and infrastructure for their religious communities. Almost all have moved to the eastern suburbs. A diminishing number of the buildings remain. Almost all were sold to Black Protestant congregations. Some congregations kept all the Jewish architectural signifiers, some removed them. Often replaced with with simple bare crosses with no artifice, some times tacky.
On E.140th, off of Kinsman, this synagogue has the shape of nearby apartment buildings. After 99 years, the brickwork is solid, stable, and simple. There is not much to look at, but the few ornaments are aesthetic. Their previous meeting place was a house on Scoville, the next on Lee, and then they merged with others. The last congregation on this site was Consolation New Revelation Missionary Baptist. It appears they may have ceased activity in 2018 after te pastor died. This migration, and occupation, and then extinction pattern is common in the area. Maltz Museum of Judaica has an exhibit with a lighted map that shows the waves of eastern movement of temples and synagogues. Often the next owner/occupant of the building is a Black Baptist church. Often, they last the life of the minister/pastor, and with his death the congregation may disappear, sometimes another congregation comes. It may not be the case here, but it does happen with some regularity.
Maybe, the oldest standing Jewish synagogue in Cleveland. This was the first Oheb Zedek 1905-22. Now for more than a century it has been a Baptist church.
Original yearstone has 5665 (Anno Mundi according to Maimonides) and 1905 (Anno Domini according to Dionysius Exiguus), and Oheb Zedek Congregation. Often these stones are replaced with a new stone, in this case a new stone was added. American Protestant churches very often have minister names on them.
Often Baptist churches attach such crosses. Notice, spelling is different from the stone.
After World War I, several synagogues were built in Cleveland. Above two entrances of the second Oheb Zedek 1922-53 are Stars of David. This is in Glenville very near the childhood homes of the creators of Superman. Parkwood, E.105, and a few other streets had many Jewish buildings; some are still there. Oheb Zedek combined with five other congregations, and built Taylor Road Synagogue in Cleveland Heights. For a time, Taylor Road was the largest Orthodox congregation between Chicago, and New York City. The second building changed hands, at least once, and looks vacant and decaying.
A mikveh (ritual bath) was in use on Morison until about 1940. It became a Baptist church. It looks abandoned.

Oer Chodosh (New Light) 1920-49
The last occupant was Elim Gospel Chapel. It is funny that a Hebrew named congregation's building becomes a Protestant building with a different Hebrew name. Elim was an oasis in Sinai, across the Red Sea.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Jesuit College

Armenia was the first Christian nation. Naturally, they have religious art. In the ninth century the carving of steles with decorated crosses arose. These khatchkars were often memorials for the dead. Many were destroyed during the Turkish genocide of the Armenian nation. They are still being carved. The local Armenian parish, Gregory of Narek and their priest recently gave this one carved in 2021 to John Carroll University. The pedestal is from this year, and it looks to be ready for an inscription.
The school began as Ignatius College on Cleveland's near west side, with a high school. During Hoover's Depression the college moved to outside Cleveland to a near eastern suburb. It was renamed before the move, after the first Catholic bishop in English America. A cousin Carroll was the only Catholic signatory to the Declaration of Independence. A Carroll brother signed the Constitution.

There are Jesuit colleges around America. There are four named Loyola, none are now St. Ignatius. Lobo-y-olla is Spanish for “wolf and pot”. This was the origin of the surname. Supra is a heraldic stone on a campus building.

Lawrence Griffis. Ignatius' Spiritual Conversion. 1962?. 
Ignatius had been a soldier, here he presents his shield, and dagger before the Black Madonna of Montserrat. The shield has the wolves, and pot. Across from the campus is Gesu church, it also has the shield, on an outside wall.
St. Martin was a Slovak parish in Cleveland. In 1960 it was one of the churches that made way for the interstate highway system. A new St. Martin's was built in Maple Heights. It had a large rose window with St. Cecilia in the center, surrounded by seven angels. [window 1906 Munich] The window is now part of St. Francis Chapel on campus.
This angel plays a triangle. I was reminded of Smetana's Moldau featured a triangle, lovely music.
William McVey. Angel Handing Man the Book of Knowledge. 1961. 
This hammered aluminum sculpture is fixed upon the library, which is being remodeled.
vertical bike rack