Sunday, March 15, 2020

Rockefeller French Norman

Some 81 of an originally planned 600 French Norman houses were built on the former property of the richest man in the world. Many of these are on Brewster, not far away from the abandoned apartments on Chapman of the last post.
Much of East Cleveland is a ruin. One small portion is a beautiful residential area, that between McGregor Home for the Aged and assisted living, and the Heights Rockefeller Business building. Some of the current residents have tried to separate from East Cleveland. The former Forest Hill Estate was John D. Rockefeller's summer home. In 1923 Junior bought it, and began building a planned community. He hired Andrew J. Thomas as architect. The Great Depression stopped the project.

The car garage was in the basement, in the rear of the house. Thomas had all the properties landscaped. And in sign of a developed area, the electrical and telephone lines were underground; so there are no utility poles. There are other streets in East Cleveland that are also without utility poles.
sap buckets on an urban sugar maple

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