Sunday, March 1, 2020

2020 Miscellany #2 — with Otto Graham

Otto is wearing #14. Football Hall in Canton has Otto Graham's jersey. It has 14 sewed on it, and the shadow of #60, behind it. In 1952 league made a rule change on what numbers certain players could wear. Construction cost of the new stadium behind him was $283 million, paid by taxes. Millions more have been paid to operate and renovate. Team owners (except the municipally owned Green Bay Packers) are all billionaires in the closed cartel receiving government welfare to enrichen themselves. The Browns did not pay for a new shirt for the best post war quarterback.
Otto Graham was a likeable player, and a great athlete. He played ten years [1946-55], and in each year played in a championship game. Seven victories in those games.

Also outside the stadium is a statue of another player, erected earlier. He is remembered for throwing a woman off a balcony, and recently visiting Orange Caligula in the White House.
 Recently saw a doctored foto with the word "SALT" added.

Light and smoke through a skylight in an abandoned factory.

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