Monday, February 25, 2019

music over the weekend

Ethnic parishes can draw talent from visitations from the old country. February 23ʳᵈ the 40 girls of the St. Stanislav Girls' Choir Slovenija sang at St. Mary's Collinwood. Seating did not allow a good foto, but here half of the girls are seen, and in part they were coincidentally mirroring the painting of the Apostles around Mary's Assumption. The performance was more often Balkan sounding (even unto an ancient Greek chorus) than Alpine. They are wearing white choir robes accented with two shades of green that are of the linden tree [a national symbol]. They're going to a conference in Kansas City.
Cleveland has a world class orchestra, and...other orchestras. Cleveland has area colleges with fine music programmes that have graduated musicians for generations, and they and others form many groups. Sometimes they have fifty performers, and sometimes they are trios and quartets. Sometimes they are college students, and sometimes members of the Cleveland Orchestra. A number of these groups have churches as venues. Heights Chamber Orchestra played Sunday at St. Paul Episcopalian Cleveland Heights.

Erik Satie's Parade (1917) included a typewriter, and several different items to be played by percussionist. A revolver was one of the items, it was replaced by wooden clapper in this performance. Here is a video of another orchestra's version of a portion of the piece [click]. Satie's piece was part of the new movement of surrealism.

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