Sunday, August 12, 2012

Homecoming Celebration

part of the faithful
They had time, they could have had the Celebration earlier. They chose to-day. There 32 page programme used the full, formal, and correct title,"Homecoming Celebration of St. Adalbert/Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament". Another full house, standing room gathering of happy people was met by a bevy of photographers. The eighth parish in the Cleveland diocese has publicly celebrated a community Mass.
joyful cantor, Sandra Gay-Chapman, spreading her arms in both happiness, and the usual gesture asking others to sing
There is a point during Mass when a sign of peace is exchanged. The minimum is a greeting and acknowledging nod. In a congregation with many black people, that doesn't do. It is an extended sign of peace; not the person to your left, and to right (whom often would be those you came with) alone. Many cross the aisle, walk up and down. This is a practice that needs to be joyfully expressed. Jesus enjoys exuberance. It would be good if the officiating priest prods at the beginning of Mass (there are several points when he is free to make an aside) for people to greet each other. By such tiny gestures communities form and solidify. Of course, there are bishops who would send instructions not to prolong this sort of thing, they would be wrong.
one of many photographers that moved through the people
distribution of the Eucharist begins
Annunciation window
And as i wrote before, it is a beautiful church in addition to the warmth of the people. One can easily be comfortable here.

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