St. Stanislaus Lorain Mourned
Yestereve, there was marked in sad, dreary and practically dreich weather one year of suppression of St. Stanislaus of Lorain. Many of the mourners valued most an umbrella. There was almost as many press as participants. The press did ask them the important questions of what are you doing now for Mass and church attendance. The people are still grieving, and discouraged in their practice of the faith. Their pastoral leader is a miserable failure. After the press left, the Poles sang national Marian hymns, while some held glowing candles.
interviewing supra, singing infra
Just recently, it was announced that nearby St. Ladislaus's (Magyar) four buildings were sold for c. $200,000. That was far less than half of a recent remodel. Similarly, the asking price for the Stanislausky campus is less than their recent remodel, and it should be remembered, that, it was being hawked before their final Masses were said. Sacred Heart (Magyar) Elyria was sold for $145,300. Trader Lennon sells what many people held dear for cheap. What else is still available in the county: SS. Cyril & Methodius (Slovene), St. Vitus (Croat), Holy Trinity (Slovak) and St. Joseph (German). Holy Cross (Polish) of Elyria was the first to be sold. The pattern is clear: close ethnic churches, sell their stuff cheap, and move on.
do you know whats going to happen with the Boys and Girls Club that was officed there?