Motley was one of four black players that re-integrated professional football in 1946. They all received nasty abuse. Spyro Spondyl designed the statue. Motley is seen trampling picket signs of hateful words, and insults. The statue was unveiled in August 2022, and is an Italian bronze.
Monday, July 31, 2023
Clydesdales come to Canton
Motley was one of four black players that re-integrated professional football in 1946. They all received nasty abuse. Spyro Spondyl designed the statue. Motley is seen trampling picket signs of hateful words, and insults. The statue was unveiled in August 2022, and is an Italian bronze.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
more July fotos
This loon* posts the dishonest, ridiculous, and fear mongering arguments of the Republican Party. That party controls the state government completely. They will do things against the will of the people. People in Ohio have voted on ballot issues since 1913. Now, in logic and debate, the status quo is presumed to be fine. So, a change would be warranted only if the net results would be positive. The onus of proof is on the side wanting change. Why is the change necessary? Because Republicans do not want a majority of people deciding anything. They want power concentrated in their hands. Two ballot initiatives were successful in trying to end gerrymandering districts. The Republicans ignored the will of the people, they ignored the State Supreme Court, and got away with it. The Republicans with massive bribes had gotten a state wide issue passed to benefit an electrical utility company. Federal court has found that Republican Speaker of the House, and that State Party chairman guilty. The special interest, if it is a major moneyed interest, gets what it wants from the Republican Party. The public be damned. Also recently, the Republican Party had made a law that a special election could not be held in August, they ignored their own law.
A few days we went to a flea market, with our greyhounds. It was dog friendly. A vendor was selling these. Humourous. I read that a child photographer would say, 'poop' to get children to smile/laugh.
Monday, July 24, 2023
more than time for a vent
Axiom: the stupids abuse freedom of speech.
I have not listed a diatribe, vent, or rant in a while. I forgot which term i used as a label, i used all three. At best stupid is entertaining by accident, usually it is annoying; but this country is awash of the stupids, and their unending stupidity.
In July, the earth has recorded its hottest days in succession. Canadian forests are burning, Greece is burning. Idiots are going to Death Valley to get a picture of themselves standing next to the temperature sign at 130°F. I read a note in the press that one idiot died.
Climate change is real, but the moneyed interests have been denying it, and the stupids believe them. Now, things have hit the US several times each day to show the weather is not in normal, or freak variability. The mainstream (read: established corporate) media now speaks of climate change as an accepted reality, but local teevee weathermen do get harassed. So, what do we here on local northeast Ohio broadcasts? Whining of the dearth of 90° days this summer. First, we haven't had any, then we have had only one. There are world wide examples right now of the heat disasters, and these idjits are lamenting the dearth of heat. They work in air-conditioned studios, drive in air-conditioned automobiles. live in air-conditioned homes. In winter will these dunderheads complain with, "we haven't any below 0°F days".
Now, a more serious vent: the fascists are upset that they do not have absolute control of public speech. Newspapers, radio, and television are businesses. Businesses are moneyed interests. A priori they are slanted towards economic interests, and the political party of the XXth century that stood for this was the Republicans. If people followed those endorsements Franklin Roosevelt would not have been president. The New Deal made America a far better place. The Republicans were not pleased, and they have continuously tried to rescind everything about it.
Now, most journalists of the mainstream media try to hew to journalistic standards and ethics. As Stephen Colbert has said, "reality has a liberal bias". So, the disgruntled fascist capitalists have created their own propaganda organs to counter that. And their minions constantly bitch and attack. They and Republicans insist lying is the proper exercise of the first amendment. Also, many are anti-social louts with vicious, and violent proclivities all of which they want others to hear. Social media is their playground, and they want control of the turf. Twitter is a 'micro-blogging' form of social media. They had some standards in which some false information, pornography, hate speech was prohibited. Now that upset many fascists and their fellow travellers. So they set up their imitation twitters, but that was not enough. Normal people did not frequent their reich wing imitations. They want to shove their crap down everyone's gullet. So, one of their number bought Twitter and proceeded to recreate it in his image. So, Twitter is dying. And by the way, elon musk, ron desantis, and donald trump are horrid individuals.
In Florida history classes it is now decreed that it must be taught that slavery was beneficial. Republican controlled states have created laws to police, curb, and censor professors—so that 'conservative' ideas are protected, and free speech of fascists must not be restricted on campus. [see postscript]
This weekend past, two big movies opened at the picture show. They are being called 'Barbieheimer'. Occasionally, i look to see what movies are coming months, even years in advance. I was right away interested in Oppenheimer. I was not interested in Barbie. Oppenheimer is a serious character in history, and science. Barbie is a dolly.
Well, now the mouthfoaming repukes are upset. From what i gather about the flick, is that in Barbie's toy world, everything is about Barbie, and Ken is just hanging around mostly purposeless. Then Barbie goes to the real world, and things are not that way. Ok, sounds like a regular children's story. No, they have a problem with feminism. Y'no, i was a boy. I had no interest in what play fantasies, and adventures girls had playing with their dollies. Maybe, these clowns should look in their pantalones and see if they look like Ken.
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
a lot of stereotypes are accurate
Had a detour yesterday off Lake Road, went past this, i think it was within (or near) Sheffield Village limits.
Sunday, July 9, 2023
Coffee, eles têm muito café no Brasil
“Coffee Song” sung by Frank Sinatra from 1946.
Way down among Brazilians
Coffee beans grow by the billions
So they've got to find those extra cups to fill
They've got an awful lot of coffee in Brazil
What’s in a name or, in this case, a nickname? When it comes to nicknames of the Church, such as the “LDS Church,” the “Mormon Church,” or the “Church of the Latter-day Saints,” the most important thing in those names is the absence of the Savior’s name. To remove the Lord’s name from the Lord’s Church is a major victory for Satan.
Immediately before that, from 2010 to 2018, the church had an advertising programme called “I’m a Mormon”. Well, that’s not so consequential as the formal rejection of polygamy, but still it is indicative of an arbitrary authoritarianism. Perhaps there is a patriarchy in charge there.
Their theological mythology is the scientology of 19th century America. All the religions that claimed to be restorations were inventive cults. No one was doing the right thing until their originator pulled things out of his hat, and insisted on control and obedience.
“ And again, hot drinks are not for the body or the belly.” — Joseph Smith, Word of Wisdom 89.9.
postscriptum: 11 July 2023. sometimes, i forget to type something. When i was in college, there was a rumour/joke that there was a name brand laxative in the cafeteria coffee. A lot of people only start regularly drinking coffee in early adulthood. I conjecture, relatively few high schoolers drink much coffee. Coffee does stimulate intestinal activity. Perhaps, mormons need some regularity; and perhaps their church does not want a free flow. Sigmund Freud could have run with that. Maybe, they just need a good s**t.
Friday, July 7, 2023
Paws Up
To-day there was a rally for the deceased dog in front of the city hall/police station at 11am. Goddard’s Law 2016 says harming of an animal is a fifth-degree felony. Dick Goddard was a long, long time Cleveland weatherman who always promoted companion animals.
Some people maintain that how a person treats animals is how they would treat people. Labradors are extremely well known to be very affectionate, and playful dogs that do not show aggression.
“Due to the totality of the circumstances, I feared for my immediate safety. As the dog charged me, I drew my service pistol. At this point the dog was no more than a few feet away from me. I then discharged my service pistol several times at the dog to stop the threat. The dog then ran toward the front of my cruiser, and passed due to its injuries.”
It has to be in people's minds this policeman is a danger to the public. As usual, police departments want to say as little as possible. Some of the patrolman's camera recording has been released. There were already citizen videos on the internet before that. It was announced to-day, the policeman is on paid leave.
postscriptum: 7 August 2023. To-day the Lorain Police Department had a press conference: ha-ha, good cop, bad dog, now shut up.
Tuesday, July 4, 2023
2023 Miscellany #11 — around the 4th of July
Second Fairport Harbor (Grand River) Lighthouse 1871 during Mardi Gras celebration (Independence Day weekend)
Karma (L), John, Argos, Tiberius
The legend lives on from the graduates and faculty on down of the Chocolate Labrador they call Tiberius. Lake Erie College (Painesville O) was originally a women's school. Harriet Young was a dean, who had Tiberius. For years, he had the run of the campus. After he died, a statue was made in 1910. In 1957 two girls were awakened by some serious dog barking. The dormitory was on fire. The girls were safe, everything else was lost in the conflagration. No one could find a living dog. The story was settled that the spirit of Tiberius had protected the students.
The current statue is Tiberius IV, 2008. Frat rats from Case Western Reserve stole the original. The second was destroyed in situ in an act of vandalisation.