Sunday, August 7, 2022

Puerto Rican Parade 2022

Happy clowns are much better than creepy clowns. 

First parade since coronavirus for Cleveland Puerto Ricans. In the past, they marched on Clark; to-day on Fulton. It was hot, humid, and bright sun. The best fotos were in the line up, before the parade. I use, what is called a point and shoot camera. It has no view finder, there is an lcd screen, which in such lighting is almost black. Another gripe: this blogger upload is screwy, so these fotos went up in alphabetical order this time, not in chronological. I have lost patience in trying to get them in a thematic order.

A lot of political candidates take the opportunity to be seen by  the pubic in parades. This one got into the spirit of the parade. Marilyn Zayas is Puerto Rican, and is running for state office as a judge. The state Supreme Court is something the Democrats may finally win this time. 

The Ohio State House Gang is as politically corrupt as any in the nation. The FBI has arrested two recent Speakers of the House (Rosenberger, Householder), there is a huge scandal with an electric utility creating and sharing graft. Householder was their point man. The Republicans have flouted laws and norms with impunity. They have gerrymandered to the statistical maximums, and are directed by ALEC and other extreme organisations in writing laws. Economic royalists including Koch Industries, their lobbyists, religious extremists, gun merchant and gun nuts, all pay for Republicans to do their interest. Popular democracy is almost dead in Ohio. In 2015, and in 2018 over 70% of Ohioans voted on amendments to stop gerrymandering. Republicans ignore this, their response is "ha-ha, screw you", and they do.

Nan Whaley, the Democratic gubernatorial candidate, also marched in this parade, the only other state wide candidate. The Republicans are not wasting their time on Puerto Rican votes, they may not know that they are citizens. Zayas is running against DeWine's son. Yeah, the son had repeatedly voted to uphold the redistricting commission's recommendations that his father, the present governor, is on. Yes, i will vote for Zayas, and Whaley against the corruption of the DeWines and their cohorts.

Y'no, low riders were a Mexican thing in Los Angeles. They were systemically outlawed by exercise of legal bigotry. There were a long, long line of proud riders to-day. This was the only low rider. They are not practical in a city, and state of chuck holes. thing about low riders is they go slow, they are not a hazard.
On a side street, this home guardian observes all the fuss of the lengthy line-up.
Unfortunate caption, anybody can give make and year?
Parades need horses. This parade had four horses, all with women riders.
The princesses were all aboard this float.
carnival costumes
This member of Brooklyn High has some serious brass.

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