Wednesday, July 27, 2022

amusement at the zoo

The Cleveland Zoo is also in the entertainment business, and always has construction projects. Recently they have expanded the rhinoceros area. They did so, in part, by eliminating Monkey Island. There are less mammals in the zoo exhibits, and a big exhibit is done now in most years. The trouble is in America, there is enthusiasm in building new, and not maintaining. The wolf exhibit was new, and has deteriorated over the years.
Feeding time for the grizzlies has produce thrown at them. The red objects are watermelon, and a strawberry.
Eating lettuce.
Animal parks, zoos want an inflow of money. They have put on events, often after normal hours, to bring in more people, people=money. This is the fifth year for Asian [Chinese] lanterns. They are running out of ideas, There are lanterns shaped as plants, animals, buildings. The sun fades the fabric quickly. It still all looks good. I think each panda bears are highlighted. This one has a bamboo hat, which from a distance, can be a construction helmet.

Sunday night there was a little storm damage. A man in a lift rightens a butterfly.
From a distance, this jellyfish looks like a water tower. Cleveland had an artist paint one in blues.
      A well done foto prop. The roo looks good, there is a similar one with a gorilla.
In a few days, this corpse flower [Amorphophallus titanum] will be in its full, stinky, and short bloom. They have signs, and banners with much information. Can't tell, how many folk read any of it. They also have a docent there to answer questions (and protect it). Normally it is in their rain forest building. It has been moved outside near the rhinos, and in front of building that held monkeys. The plant is rare, and in 28 years, this will be its fifth bloom. The zoo has a live feed on you tube. They are prepared for a long queue of sniffers.

The bokeh (hexagonal blurs here) are sun rays, and glare which my camera lens had difficulty in focusing. I had other snaps without them, but i liked the effect.

Postscriptum 9.20 pm 27 July: Since i posted this a few minutes ago, i see that the zoo has written that the bloom began at 5.30 pm, to-day. The zoo will open early to-morrow at 9 am.

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