Sunday, April 24, 2022

down in the flats by the river

Pat Perry is currently working on a very large rowing mural at the Foundry.
Rocks were used to break car windows this morning. The painter is from Michigan, the vehicle on the right is from Michigan and was broken into, as were at the two on he left.
Rowing past Rivergate Park Cleveland, and Hart Crane sculptures.
Rowing past Merwin Wharf. Yesterday, the temperature hit 84°F, to-day 83°F. Monday and Tuesday accumulated a few inches of snow.
On Scranton Road, a building that may not be there much longer.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter foto safari


When you are a little kid at Mass to occupy the time which moves slowly...
While looking at daffodils we met Marian (the Librarian), she is eight years old. She was happy to meet our hounds. She is a smaller girl than Karma, you have some indication here. All three were too busy to pose. Marian has a rear leg with temporary pins inside. She has a partial fore leg, she has no racing record, and was given to a rescue and has been happy with her family since.
Cassius at Lake View with many people and dogs.
It was a cold, and sunny day. The daffodils were fine with that.
Abandoned double in Glenville. Flower bulbs still active.

Front window of a State Road business in Parma.
From a convent window at St. Casimir's Cleveland.
Modelled after Las Vegas.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Wooster O.

Wayne County Courthouse 1878 main entrance with two Grecian figures called Atlas, Atlante, or Telamon. The female Caryatid are older. There are several famous examples in Europe, don't know if there is another of this quality in the United States.

Ohio has 88 counties, each with a courthouse. Many of the present ones were built after the War for the Union, and before the century ended. Some counties are very rural, and have never had a city. The census definition is five thousand people. County government spent money to show its importance, so in some counties, the most extravagant or important architecture is the courthouse, which may also hold other county offices. Sometimes annexes have been added on. 

That war was the central event in the country's history. Sometimes there is a Civil War monument very close by, and the other significant buildings would be the then important bank, and the leading church. That would be the main intersection, and be the center of town. Wooster had the bank, and the monument. The churches are near by, but the Masonic Temple is closer.

Side entrance with another pair.
left of the main pair
right of the main pair
1862 house built for a department store owner.  There is also extravagant yard edifices.
Leg lamp in a shoe store, different than the one seen in Cleveland from the film Christmas Story (1983).

Friday, April 15, 2022

Via Crucis

1st Station: Jesus is condemned to death
To-day is the most solemn day in the Christian calendar. Some commemorative services take place. Our Lady of Lourdes in Newburgh, Cleveland had Via Crucis. The parish was originally Czech, now there are many Meso-Americans. They have a strong devotion to Jesus' path to Calvary.

We went with our greyhounds. At the initial whipping of Jesus, Cassius began greatly shivering. I put down the camera, and tried to comfort him. John took him, and after walking a bit, he relaxed, but for the rest of the way we kept him way back of the crowd. Dogs can be very sensitive, and recognise suffering in others.
3rd Station: Jesus falls the first time
Traditionally, there are 14 stations. "SPQR" is an abbreviation for Senatus Populus Que Romanus, The Senate and People of Rome.
4th Station: Jesus meets His Mother
6th Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
8th Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
9th Station: Jesus falls a third time
10th Station: Jesus clothes are taken away
11th Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross
12th Station: Jesus dies on the cross
To see if Jesus is dead, Jesus' side is pierced by a Roman soldier (Lancelot). The spear runs through both heart and lung, blood and water gush out.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Posing with greyhounds (5) in the gym

Millie Ortiz is pleased with visiting Cassius and Karma

To-day the alfombras are complete and whole. To-morrow they will be trod upon and will be a mixture of colored sawdust. Well, sawdust is easy to sweep.

[click]  Alfombras de Semana Santa at Parroquia La Sagrada Familia Cleveland 2017  [click 2021], [2019], [click 2015],

The parish has made these carpets for Holy Week for some years now. The foto above was taken by John's telephone, the camera i was using this time does not do as well in indoor light.

Holy Week comes every year, but current events are noticed too.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

2022 Miscellany #4—April west side Cleveland

cherry blossoms opened at Brookside Park
Sakura time
porch goose in Easter finery

Česká svobodomyslna škola [Czech freethought school] 
In Chicago, and Cleveland, and some other places there was a lot of immigration from the Austrian Empire. For the Austrians Germanisation and Catholicism went together. Some of the more national spirited Czechs were then estranged from Catholicism, there were degrees. So they divided. Sokols had gymnasiums for athletics. Attached to the hall on Clark was a separate building in 1924. This was in the low west forties along Clark, all the other fotos were taken in Old Brooklyn Cleveland.
Y'no, the wacko woman on Pearl across from the library doesn't like Earth Day. Went to see, whether a new sign was up already. You must certainly know Republicans hate fairness, and love to game the system to their favor. They attack relentlessly. Also spelling is one of the many school subjects they do not respect. Judge O'Connor is trying to follow the law here, and Republicans demand judges to vote only their way. All branches of Ohio state government are controlled by the Republicans. They have super majorities in the legislature. All state wide executives are Republican, and have been for some time. The last redistricting they made gross gerrymandering an abstract art form. The state supreme court has three Democrats, and four Republicans. The Chief Justice, O'Connor, is the only non hyper-partisan Republican in the state involved. Several Repukes want her impeached for this offense. Twice, Ohio voters voted to not allow gerrymandering, of course Republicans are not interested in what the people want.

looking at an owl

Monday, April 11, 2022

Solidarity with Ukraine


An American general said, War is Hell. On the teevee programme M*A*S*H, the character Hawkeye, the point was made that war is much worse than Hell. Those in Hell deserve to be there. There are no innocent bystanders in hell. But war is chock full of them...little kids, cripples, old ladies. Except for a few of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander” .

When there is an aggressor, to be neutral is to side with the aggressor. Yes, solidarity, unity is needed with the victims. As John Donne wrote, No man is an island . It is good that some of the Polish, and American faithful stand with Ukraine. Those who stand with, or praise, or equivocate in defense of the aggressor have the blood of the innocents dripping on their souls. When Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February,  Ukraine's U.N. Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya spoke directly to the Russian Ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, There is no purgatory for war criminals. They go straight to hell, Ambassador” .

Our Holy Father Francis has repeatedly called for peace, real peace. When an aggressor calls for peace, he does not want peace, he wants an end to resistance. Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Christians should want peace. In this war, the Patriarch of Moscow is fully behind the cause of war, and the man who orders, and guides that war. This war is war without mercy. There have always been religious hypocrites, and some with high clerical office and their obedient followers, who are against the Way of Jesus. Many Christians, and many supposedly Christian nations supposedly love Mary, the Mother of God. She is our Protectress. As Francis has pointed out Mariupol Ukraine is Mary's city, how could someone who acknowledges Mary attack her city? There is talk that Francis may visit Kyiv, the symbolic message of solidarity and support would be remarkable.
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor” – Desmond Tutu

Currently on the campus of St. Casimir the Prince Cleveland, there are signs where some of our faithful stand.

“What the world expects of Christians is that Christians should speak out, loud and clear, and that they should voice their condemnation in such a way that never a doubt, never the slightest doubt, could rise in the heart of the simplest man. That they should get away from the abstraction and confront the blood-stained face history has taken on today.” – Albert Camus

As a protest of the war, Russians outside of Russia (jail is no fun) identify themselves in protest with a white, blue, white flag. They have removed the red (blood). The original designer is Kai Katonina, who lives in Berlin. In Russia people with fully blank signs have been arrested, police recognise anti-authoritarian actions everywhere.
One of the canvasses on the St. Casimir fence
In this journal, many essays showed placards, and other items attached to the fence in front of St. Casimir church. There are again several, showing solidarity with Ukraine, and prayers on behalf of Ukraine.
Caption this