Thursday, December 10, 2020

akron deco

 Fulton or Guggenheim Angel holding a blimp

Daniel Guggenheim Airship Institute started in 1929 in Akron. Both the University of Akron, and California Institute of Technology were involved. In 1932, the building was opened. Guggenheim had a sculpture made that would face the Akron Fulton Aeroport, and the Goodyear-Zeppelin Airdock. The pilots could see it. This is on the back of the building. Next to this building is an elementary school built in 1921. M.M. Konarski was the Akron school architect, and his design was used for the Airship Institute. Konarski was the school board's architect from 1919 to 1938. He used both neo-classical, art deco elements.

Both buildings are used for Hallowe'en.

A little further on Triplett Avenue is the Aeroport Terminal, it has art deco style and built at the same time [click].

The second North High School (Akron) was built in 1931. Major additions came in 1955, and 1970.
Beautiful tiles at the old entrances (now marked 1, 2, 3). This was at a time when schools were part of the pride of a community, and sometimes well built with some architectural highlights; before the concrete bunker era. This school was built when Konarski was the school district's architect.

The tile runs across the old building, and there is some on the smokestack away from the building.
Anyone else see a similarity?

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