Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Cleveland RNC Day 3

 Captain America is a Sikh
 Code Pink Beauty Pageant
Early, a wall of cameramen blocked sight of the girls. Someone engaged the girl on the left, about where she came from, "Los Angeles". Someone next to me was impressed she came from so far away. I says to him, "This is a circus. In the 19th century circuses coming to town were entertainment, and when they came to county seats, transportation allowed people to travel from nearby counties to see. To-day, transportation allows people from all over the country to see the circus".
A lot of shirts sold were rude and/or vulgar concerning Hillary. The souvenirs were meant for rabid Republicans. This El Chapo the only shirt making fun of Trump. Only two designs had Cleveland and the elephant.
 Free Hugs, yes from Cleveland Cuddles

 All Lives Matter -- no exceptions
 The guy with the guitar said he was Sylvia Plath's granddaughter 'Mary Ann', he invited people to kick his baby for Trump.
 Wall Off Trump
This guy, i was told, was with CNN. His plates were from D.C.. He was waiting for Trump's aeroplane to come in. Later people were shooed away from the edge of City Hall's outside parking. A little while later the plane came in whilst i was in Willard Park.

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