“I want a commander-in-chief who will do everything in their power to
ensure that the threat from radical Islamic terrorists do not wash up on
American soil. We will have someone who leads and ultimately will send a
message not only that we will protect American soil but do not take
this upon freedom-loving people anywhere else in the world. We need a leader with that kind of confidence. If I can take on a
100,000 protesters, I can do the same across the world.” -- Scott Walker, idiot governor and Koch Brothers' toady from Wisconsin
The proof in depth of stupid is when a Texas Republican points out how stupid you are:
“These are Americans. You are talking about, in the
case of ISIS, people who are beheading individuals and committing
heinous crimes, who are the face of evil. To try to make the
relationship between them and the unions is inappropriate.” -- Rick Perry, former governor from Texas
Anyone that has checked out this idiot must conclude that he is indeed an idiot.
ReplyDeleteYour choice of words are very kind. Anyone that has checked this guys past record (as well as the status quo) will indeed agree that he is indeed an idiot. As one Texas high school posted on their marquee "Governer Scott, God here. The voices that you hear in your head are not mine. Start taking your meds"