Thursday, May 22, 2014

#bringbackourgirls Cleveland/Nigeria

To-day, at Saint Adalbert's Cleveland was a Mass to specifically pray "bring our girls home". At the end of Mass spokesmen for the Nigerian community (Yoruba and Ibo) in northeast Ohio, and local mothers spoke. They, and Fr. Damian Ezeani, explained the current situation in the old country (Nigeria), and that such things happen all around the world, and here too. Afterwards there was a pilgrim march to the Juvenile Justice Center and back to Saint Adalbert's. The marchers sang along the path, soft and deep, "All we are saying is bring back our girls".

#bring back our girls
Say no boko haram!
Say no human enslavement!
 American schoolgirls petition with sign for the Nigerian girls.
 Fr. Damian Ezeani during Consecration.
 A Mother, and Grandmother, speaks.
 Outside St. Adalbert's  before march.

# more than 200 girls are still missing

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