Saturday, October 29, 2011

Moses Cleaveland stands in and occupies

16 October 2011
The Occupy movement began on Manhattan's Wall Street. It first came to Cleveland on the 6th of October. An initial camp out was broken up by the cops. A city councilman, Brian Cummins, got the representatives of the '99%' a two week permit to occupy a sidewalk. They had peaceful demonstrations throughout the Square, and next to City Hall around the Free Stamp sculpture. They have been joined by others (unionists and college students).
Cleaveland given sign and flag
The surveyor (note the tool in the crook of the arm) Moses Cleaveland did the initial layout for a town, in what had been Connecticut's Western Reserve, on July 22, 1796. This bronze statue on a cylindrical pedestal was made in 1888 by J C Hamilton. This summer, the statue was temporarily renamed for a German for the filming of the movie,"The Avengers". Public Square became a beer garden in Stuttgart.

The Occupiers have had their forums about the Tom Johnson statue, for Johnson is still a symbol of good government. They have also met in the Old Stone Church on the Square.

On the night of 21 October the Occupy sit-in was removed by police, at the expiration of the permit. Eleven were arrested calmly, and not particularly rough. The police see themselves as being screwed by the governor, John Kasich, over allied issues, and are not so gung ho to rough up protestors whom are upset with the system, and those that control it.

The Occupy movement has reached Europe. Here in America, it has finally made the television media interested in real social and economic problems, instead of the propaganda campaigns of the moneyed interests and their shills.
They allowed Moses to keep the flag.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Mitre a pumpkin

no, non uno zucchetto, una grande zucca

Monday, October 24, 2011

Busy Corner

Stone for Morgan Waters [the 'g' was inserted]. His house was the parish's home in its early years. He died in 1875, his wife, Catharine Brooks, died in the parish's first year, 1848.

St. Patrick's is an old parish in terms of the Cleveland diocese. It is only a few months younger than the diocese. Cleveland had one church, St. Mary's on-the-Flats. Some farmers in Rockport Township asked the just created first bishop of Cleveland, Louis Amadeus Rappe, for a parish. The parish had its first Mass on St. Patrick's Day 1848 [it was a Sunday that year] inside Morgan Waters' home. About once a month a priest would come to Waters' home. In 1854 the first church was dedicated on land donated by a parish family. In 1897-98 the new church was built. The old church was torn down, and the parish graveyard expanded to those grounds.

The church's congregation was evicted 30 May 2009. The parish is appealing its closure to Rome. Richard Lennon, the bishop, wants it merged with Ascension, and Annunciation, at Ascension's campus. St. Patrick's began with about 40 families, in 2009 they had about 1,100 families. On Sunday, the 30th of May 2010, the parish had its last Mass in that graveyard which had been the site of the first church building.

As time passes some events do happen. Cleveland expanded across the Cuyahoga, annexing one village, and neighborhood after another. West Park formed in 1900 from the township. St. Patrick's received a resident pastor in 1910. Horse wagons were replaced by motor cars, and street cars. West Park became a part of Cleveland in 1923. The church was expanded in the early 1950s.
St. Patrick West Park Cleveland, Ohio at Rocky River Drive & Puritas Avenue
The intersection became that of two two busy city streets. The cemetery is just a sidewalk's width from the street, and a short chain link fence is the border there. On July 20th a driver ran through the fence dislodging, and damaging some grave stones. Since the, a section of the low fence has been replaced; and the stones gathered together. Perhaps, in November they will be set in place (and duplicates? of some damaged ones).
stones gathered together

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Patrick's Prayer circle

Some people found the shade on the steps of St. Patrick West Park 'chilly'. A prayer circle took place before St. Patrick in the garden.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Ohio voting

Now, if you are fair minded individual let us pose this: now, suppose you are a Republican, your party cries about government waste. Now, you should be aware they want two primaries next year. Why would this be 'hypocritical'? Two primaries cost more than one. But, here is a thing — hypocrisy is a core requirement.

Some counties were sending out applications for absentee voting automatically. The brand new Republican Secretary of State, Jon Husted, forbade this. Well, that would save money, and reduce voting.

Now, Republicans do not want all people voting. They have invented the non-existent threat of 'voter fraud'. They solve this straw man falsity with voter suppression. They have done this in state after state. All this costs money, and it is wasted to solve a non-existent problem, but it does reduce voting. It is a new form of poll tax, which is unconstitutional (yes, more hypocrisy, but we are talking about Republicans).

Now, the real danger is Republicans controlling the elections. The fraud comes in the counting of votes. Republicans cannot be trusted in the counting of votes (you must remember Florida in 2000, and Ohio in 2004; which gave us eight years of the cheney/bushjr régime). An allied problem is gerrymandering, the drawing of districts in odd ways so to greatly favor certain candidates. The Republicans are against democratic government. The voice of the people mean nothing, what counts is gaining control of government. Two primaries here will be confusing, and will discourage some from voting — mission accomplished.

When Republicans control government, they are ruthless. Kasich and the State House are against worker rights, and wish to remove all of them. Ohio allows (for the time being, anyway) for the public (quite often it is business interests) to propose state ballot issues. In this case, Issue 2 concerns the passed Senate Bill 5. A 'No' vote will negate that law.

Now, as they constantly prove themselves, they are hypocrites. In one commercial they have a 'teacher' say he is for the passage "and not believe everything you here". What he doesn't tell you is, that, he is a Republican county chairman. In another commercial they take a woman's statement and present it as in their favor. She is not in favor. The Republicans say it is their first amendment right to take her words, and use them as they wish. Compare this to what Republicans say about property rights.

Now they are running a commercial claiming "excessive wages and benefits" of "government employees make 43% more than the rest of us". Sounds what Republicans would generally call 'class warfare'. Of course, they do not complain against those that make 10,000% more than the rest of us.

Not only are they mean-spirited hypocrites, but the self-contradictions of supposed 'principles' they violate should disqualify them from receiving the votes from honest, and rational voters. They do have a 'faithful core' that overlook these sorts of things, but then again blind men are not interested in the paint jobs of jalopies.
Postscriptum: 25 October 2011. Now they are running a new commercial complaining that government workers get better pay, benefits, and conditions than "us". Okay, does that apply to the top 1% of us? Of course not, the same people who paid for the campaign, and support Kasich and his ilk, would try to scare "us" about that sort of "class warfare". Consistency is just not their thing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I was looking for a job when I got this one

“I was looking for a job when I got this one”, is a comment some of us have made upon separation, or anticipated, or hypothetical, separation from a job. For some it is a posing of a devil-may-care bravado, because the job, particularly this job, is not central to my existence, or worth.

Now, with the bastard, fascist, capitalism we have is not comfortably done. Can one go to a next job quickly [or at all]? Are we free to drop out, and not suffer because of it? Poor economic times reduce freedom.

Some few of us, used to rate 'fun factors'. Each job can be placed on a scale, each job has a fun factor. There are people who increase the fun factor on a job. Men would not stay on a job when the fun factor was too low. Such concepts reside in the minds of dinosaurs.

We have become wormy, maggoty. Of course, there were always such pukes, but few of them were allowed to thrive. Now, the milieu encourages it. When we were religious, avarice was a sin. Group solidarity and mores prevented much. But, America has made capitalism a religion where the devotees are sinless.

Some of these comments, i make historically, some societal, and some particular. Now in history, many postulate turning points. Thomas Carlyle spoke of 'great men'. Franklin Roosevelt was such a man, acceptable to Carlyle, and to Tacitus. Roosevelt, and the C.I.O., and the A.F.of L. allowed America a better compensated working class [which many call 'the middle class', it is not, we still have to acknowledge its use that way]. This is when America became America for most Americans. Then the apostate, Ronald Reagan came along.

The Republicans always hated Mr. Roosevelt, and tried to undo the things he did for America and Americans. Nixon would employ dirty tricks and do anything to get power, but much of his programmes were not a repeal. But then came along the reaganistas. Reagan in his first year attacked labor, and labor has not recovered. Reagan had been an union president, before he was a politician; but he colluded with General Electric. Reagan killed the Air Traffic Controller Union [PATCO] in 1981. Since then, in America strikes only occur in base ball. Unions have become weakened considerably, and corrupted. They have become the opposite of militant, yet the Repukes want their abolition.

Corporate greed got a green light. The 1987 movie 'Wall Street' had the character Gordon Gekko rhapsodise Greed. Since then Wall Street gave us the conditions of pre-Roosevelt America [with the addition of a continuously shrinking unionised work force], and a second depression. The movement Reagan had started, has gotten so extreme, Reagan would not be accepted in it now.

America has allowed this to happen. Now for a month a spontaneous movement, which began in Manhattan, Occupy Wall Street has caught the media's attention. It spread, first to large cities in America, and this week to Europe. Most of these people are young and schooled with a desire for some sort of idealism, and not politically affiliated, or corporately affiliated. In all those things, they are most unlike the Teabaggers. They adopted the epithet, 'We are the 99%'. They have occupied public space in a modern tented Hooverville. They were organically formed, and grew. They are largely self-policing. They realise in the larger picture that a real power holding elite [not just the literate, whom have been accused by the propagandists of that elite] have contempt for America, and control it. They are advocating for democracy, economic democracy.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Upcoming Cleveland Diocesan events

The Church is made up of all its members. The Cleveland diocese is made up of 8 counties. The church and the diocese is not one individual, even though he has a special hat, and likes to flash his ring. These events are not in parish bulletins, but they still occur.

[3.00 p.m. Saturday, 22 October -- outside the cathedral church on East Ninth Street, Cleveland -- Marian service, including the recitation of the rosary, and songs -- sponsored by Saint Emeric's Parish -- for all evicted parishes and Christians (this took place inside the church to the fear of one priest, and the annoyance of another)]

[1.00 p.m. Saturday, 29 October -- outside the closed St. John the Baptist at 1044 Brown Street in Akron a march against the abuse of children by clergy and the episcopal coverup, and financial scandals all of which is related to the closure of 58 parishes]

11.30 a.m. Sunday, 6 November -- outside the closed St. Casimir on East 82nd there will be the 104th consecutive service since eviction, yes it has been 2 years
St. Casimir Church 8223 Sowinski Ave.
(Adjacent to Rockefeller Park/Ansel Road Exit off MLK Blvd.)

Parish of St. Casimir-in-Exile
Two Year Anniversary Prayer Vigil
"NIE BOJCIE SIE", in Polish means "DO NOT BE AFRAID". These words are the famous words pronounced by the late Pope, John Paul II on his first visit to Poland as the Vicar of Christ. These words ignited a nation to throw off the chains of tyranny.

On Sunday, November 6th, outside the locked gates of St. Casimir Church, the 104th prayer vigil will be held at 11:30 AM. This date marks two years of continuous vigils held in the rain, cold, snow and heat.

We urge all to join us and show solidarity on this special day. At St. Casimir, Poles and non-Poles stand together for all Catholics who have been unjustly treated.

We vow to pray "FOR OUR RELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND YOURS". Please join us, your church may be in a second round of closures. As our beloved Karol Wojtyla inspired us in the past, let his words, "DO NOT BE AFRAID" ring out to be heard by all.

Before the Mass of Eviction [11.08.09], St. Casimir's was dedicated to the Blessed Mother. Since then, Our Lady has been Our Guide and Strength.

3.00 p.m. Sunday, 4 December -- outside the closed St. Barbara at West 14th and Denison the parish and friends will meet on St. Barbara's Day


there are ongoing street vigils and prayer services every Sunday

09. 45 a.m. St. Emeric -- West 22nd, next to the West Side Market
11. 30 a.m. St. Casimir -- East 82nd, by the streets with the names of Polish generals (Kosciusko, Pulaski, Sowinski) above Rockefeller Park
11. 30 a.m. St. Patrick -- Rocky River & Puritas
sporadically St. James -- Detroit & Granger
Postscriptum: this entry has been updated a few times and released on other dates. It returns now at its original slot.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

some last photos of Cleveland's Saint Catharine

view from bell tower window
another arch of biblical quotation referring to Jesus is felled by demolition
watering the debris to keep down the dust
organ's wooden chambers falling
late Monday morning, 26 September 2011, demolition crew including foreman, cameraman from WKYC-3, concerned Catholics, and Cleveland city council member chatting in the parking lot of Saint Catharine's Cleveland

Friday, October 7, 2011

Concerning one sentence of lies by Robert Tayek

detailing the lies
The compact, and efficient use of lies some people employ is their talent. The spokesman for the Cleveland Roman Catholic Diocese, Robert Tayek, has this ability. Note this photograph, and the lies it reveals in this one sentence:
Tayek said, "The plaques were located in an area of the church, the bell tower, which was unusable and had been closed off as unsafe for some time. ..."
Lies 1 & 2 Note: only one memorial war plaque is near, but not inside the bell tower.
Lie 3 The other tablet was on the nave wall opposite this wall, and at the time of the photograph in the heap of rubble.
Lie 4 Note: worker inside bell tower. The supposed unsafe bell tower is where a worker stands to water the dust down. The rest of the building, except the facade is rubble. The floor in front of the steeple has disappeared. Later the facade was taken down. The bell tower was, perhaps, the sturdiest and strongest part of the building. If not this worker's (see last foto) life was in danger for all the hours he stood in the bell tower.
Lie 5 Note: gray rectangles with crosses on top, on either side of the entrance way of the tower. These were where stations of the cross plaques were removed, while the war memorial tablet remained.
probable Lie 6 Note: no evidence area was closed off.photograph taken Friday 23 September 2011.
worker inside tower wetting demolition, building visible is the school
Postscriptum: Saturday, 8 October 2011.
Later, Tayek would write this similar lie on the diocesan website:
"It was explained to reporter O’Malley that the plaques remained in the building as an oversight since no one had been inside the bell tower for some time because that portion of the structure was condemned."
After lying to the reporter, Tayek then prints a similar lie for the diocesan website; but he is complaining that the reporter wrote what he said, and then Tayek writes the statement again. He is upset that the reporter acted as a stenographer. Tayek then writes more lies. In one fashion he wishes to deny that the plaques were left in the building, that the organ was left in the building, and was subsequently destroyed, and that the building was demolished. He also libels two concerned Catholics that found the plaques, and notified him of the initial plaque. Tayek invents lies, and says the same events, did happen, and did not happen. He also defines truth as that which does not embarrass the
"Church", and the "Church" for him is not all members, but only the administrators. Now, consider all the other documented lies he has invented. What exactly is his job description?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Registering to Vote

Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Ben Shahn. Our Friend [campaign poster]. 1944.
Ben Shahn made lithograph posters for the the CIO to encourage voting in 1946.
Those who do not wish you to vote, if you are not a person of property to-day, are Republicans. [click here to read those thoughts from the crazy congressman from Iowa] So it has been since the beginning of Hoover's and his party's creation of the Great Depression. You don't want the poor, homeless, jobless, colored, crippled, the too young, or the too old to vote; for they may vote for social justice, and an America for all Americans; which means a vote for the Democracy and its party — the Democratic.

See this story of a 96 year old woman from Tennessee, born in Georgia. A new law to stop supposed 'voter fraud', which cannot be found, has been instituted in Tennessee, as in many Republican controlled state governments. Since she had been married, and her marriage name wasn't the name on her birth certificate, she has been denied the state identification card, which is now necessary to vote. Job done — old, poor, black woman barred from voting. Multiply this by millions, and see the Republicans 'win' elections through this plan of voter suppression.
This is why Republicans do not want the voice of labor to compete with the voice of capital.
This is why Republicans do not want the voice of a generation that doesn't look like them to vote.
Another of Ben Shahn's 1946 Congress of Industrial Organizations posters.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Beatitudes and the Sons of Eli

Ben Shahn. Beatitudes. 1952. Himeji, Japan.
Jesus' first sermon began:
And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain, and when he was set down, his disciples came unto him. And opening his mouth, he taught them, saying: Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God. Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake: Be glad and rejoice, for your reward is very great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets that were before you. — Matthew v. 1-12.
This painting visually appears to allude to :
At that time Jesus went through the corn on the sabbath: and his disciples being hungry, began to pluck the ears, and to eat. And the Pharisees seeing them, said to him: Behold thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do on the sabbath days. But he said to them: Have you not read what David did when he was hungry, and they that were with him: How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the loaves of proposition, which it was not lawful for him to eat, nor for them that were with him, but for the priests only? Or have ye not read in the law, that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple break the sabbath, and are without blame? But I tell you that there is here a greater than the temple. And if you knew what this meaneth: I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: you would never have condemned the innocent. For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath. — Matthew xii. 1-8.
Now, in the first of the four Books of Kings, in the greater English world the first Book of Samuel, the story of (H)Eli of S(h)ilo(h)'s sons is told in the first few chapters. Eli was the high priest, and his two sons [(H)Ophni and Phinees or Phinehas] were priests; yet they were wicked. They demanded the finest of foods, by force, from the people (ii. 13-16). They made whores of the women before the tabernacle (ii. 22). Eli knew of their behaviour, once rebuked them, but permitted their continuance.

Just before it was written:
The Lord maketh poor and maketh rich, he humbleth and he exalteth. He raiseth up the needy from the dust, and lifteth up the poor from the dunghill: that he may sit with princes, and hold the throne of glory. For the poles of the earth are the Lord's, and upon them he hath set the world. — I Kings (I Samuel) ii. 7-8.
Just after it was written:
And the ark of God was taken: and the two sons of Heli, Ophni and Phinees, were slain. — iv. 11.
Ben Shahn *1898, 1969† was a Lithuanian Jew who migrated to America as a child, and as a young man became an union lithographer. Later he became a New Deal painter and photographer. He had gone to Europe as a young artist. He saw the paintings of Cimabue, Giotto and others, and attended Mass at the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi. He went to other churches. So how did it come that Shahn painted the Beatitudes? He had a Jewish biblical education. The study of Jesus is not part of the curriculum, but Shahn was interested in social justice and humanitarianism. He also had Dag Hammarskjöld, Gandhi, and Edward Murrow as subjects. In the years after the Second World War, religious imagery, and continued philosophical concerns entered his work.

In Jesus' initial oratory, He gives a programme of heroic virtue in contrast to worldly misbehaviour, and crass selfishness. Beatitudes are blessings, Jesus lists eight. They go beyond the Ten Commandments. They are a positive course of action, as opposed to a negation of bad action.

The painting is a man going through a grain field (wheat, corn is a generic term for grain). It is the plucking of grain spikes we see in the tempera.

Now, in the Old Testament we have the priests, the sons of Eli, not giving food but taking by force the best of meat. They also act immorally in promiscuous hedonism. They are legitimate priests by office, but acting as wicked agents as if they were worshipping a false god. Before that is told, that, God is creator of both rich and poor. God raises the poor and the needy, the same that are addressed in the Beatitudes. The Hebrews are defeated by the Philistines, the Ark of the Covenant [which contains the tablets of the Commandments] is taken, the Sons of Eli perish, as does Eli when the news reach him. Behaviour that was socially just, and socially unjust had consequences in the eyes of God, and those in the socially, economically, politically, and religiously elevated position were not immune from judgment. All men are responsible, and those who act beneficially towards others are those that please God. Rank and office are not above it all.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Our Friend Francis

Fritz Eichenberg. St. Francis, Sermon to the Birds. 1952.
As we have seen christianity is not of all one sort. After Mary [she suffers abuse by some] of all the saints, the most popular christian figure, may very well be, Saint Francis of Assisi. There is no shortage of anglican, or even unitarian churches blessing animals on this day, or on the Sunday nearest the feast day of the 4th of October. Only 'evangelicals' [of a certain sort] show antipathy, or peculiar understanding of our, good Saint Francis.

Many enjoy the almost contemporary Cimabue, and Giotto paintings. Others may prefer the baroque italians
Caravaggio, Gentileschi, and Reni, or the spaniards — Murillo, El Greco [yes, i realise], Ribera, and especially, Zurbaran. The baroque Francis is without the animals, and in deep prayer.

Two 20th century artists, who worked in wood blocks, who were converts to christianity in protestant forms, did several St. Francises.
Fritz Eichenberg did three for the WPA, on Roosevelt's dime. One each with the creatures of the land, air, and sea. He is in a hot air balloon, and he is in a diving suit and helmet. If one did not know, that it was a series of three, and only saw Francis with the Bible speaking to the fishes, one could surmise that the then jewish artist, mistook Francis for Anthony of Padua. In 1952 a sermon to the birds, and another with animals and a child, the sermon again in '54, in 1973 the Stigmata, and the St. Francis Prayer (1979).

Sadao Watanabe also revisited the subject of Francis and the birds several times. The gentleness, the voluntary poverty, being in communion with all nature appeals beyond certain confessional lines.

Sadao Watanabe. St. Francis Preaches to the Birds. 1994.
An earlier woodblock, was done by the catholic, Maurits Cornelis Escher in 1922. He is primarily remembered for paradoxical, and mathematical inspired drawings. In 1922 he travelled to Italy, and Spain, and turned twenty-four. As an old man, Escher had a full head of hair, his Francis looked like the aged Escher, otherwise.
Maurits Cornelis Escher. St. Francis Preaches to the Birds. 1922.
earlier essays: 2007 , 2008

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Parish life continues

The pastor, Capuchin Fr. Philip, at Holy Spirit parish (Garfield Hts) at St. Timothy's church places items from St. Catharine's time capsule on St. Catharine's altar, between Sunday Masses. They will be sent to the diocesan archives.
After St. Casimir's prayer service, a television cameraman interviewed Wojciech Fleszar, the prayer leader, and then another parish member for WEWS-5.
this was a flash picture, which only illuminated the litter and retablo
At St. Michael's, Fr. Ernesto, a Peruvian priest from Youngstown celebrated Mass to a standing room crowd. They celebrated Señor de los Milagros (Our Lord of Miracles), for Our Lord of Miracles is also Our Lord of Immigrants. After Mass a litter carried by some thirty cargodores of the double retablo processes from the altar through the main aisle. The cargodores are clothed in purple mantles as penitents. They are proceeded by sahumadoras (women bearing incense burners).
almost to the narthex, it will be lowered to exit; the movement throughout is adagissimo

a dance before the outdoor marchwaiting and viewing before circuiting the block

Saturday, October 1, 2011

St. Joseph's Cemetery, Cleveland

St. Joseph's Cemetery is slightly older than St. John's. It is on the corner of East 79th and Woodland. The southern property lines abut railroad.
Immediately east of St. John's Cemetery is St. Joseph's. The Woodland neighborhood has fallen on hard times. Rich people do not drive by often. Not many with substantial, or any funds choose to be buried, or have their relatives deposited here. Although, a recent bishop of Erie Pennsylvania is there in a family plot. He had been a child at St. Rose and St. James parishes.

In one of these cemeteries, a fellow i once worked with found God. He was a big, strong, angry man with sensual tastes. He abused himself and others. He was capable in his trade, and a fairly bright man, and a talkative man. [He invented the word 'cohoosion'.] After a night of excessive 'partying' he awoke to find himself in a Catholic Cemetery on Woodland. This awakening changed his life. He decided to abandon his former lifestyle, as much as he could, and became religious. He admits to many failings, and he wants others to confess theirs too.
There is fashion in grave markers. Certain styles and decorations, and lettering come to the fore and then fade. One was a cylindrical stone sitting on a cradle. Some people thought of this resembling a bolster pillow, and refer to it as a 'bolster stone'. Other people who work and maintain graveyards, call them rollers. The bolster above became a roller.
“maintain all burial sites in perpetuity”
There are three* mausoleums on the property, two are of religious sisters' orders. The Sisters of Notre Dame, supra, and the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, infra. These cemeteries on Woodland suffered vandalism, and the mausoleums were invaded by vandals, and grave robbers. These buildings have been sealed, two with stone blocks, and the Notre Dame Sisters with a marker stone listing those inside the vault (†1899-1919), and those on the hillside (†1878-1918). The diocesan cemeteries brag that they, “maintain all burial sites in perpetuity”.
There is a couple of locust trees growing on the roof. The locust is a very fast colonising tree, with a deep initial and crossed roots that really anchor the plant. It is described, as an evasive species, an opportunistic plant, a weed. They grow quickly, and have gone to leaf when used as fence posts, they burn well and hot. Beneath the cross, there are leafy vines surrounding a stone with a sculpted relief of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. At the continued growth rate, it will cover up that decorative art.
*I saw three to-day, i look at an old map, and it reads a fourth smaller one to the left of the Notre Dame sisters. I don't know if it is under vegetation or gone. — I revisited, it definitely is not there.