Sunday, August 13, 2023

Argos visits North Collinwood

Argos amongst rose mallow/giant hibiscus
Saw a fellow post from Yorkshire his photos of his walking dog. Here is one with Argos.
close up of the dragon's head
St. Joe's (VASJ) is getting tiger turf for Bill Gutbrod Field. For many years, their home varsity football games were played at Euclid High. For a time, their football team was at the top of the state vying with a Cincinnati Catholic school. Locally, they were to be eclipsed by Iggie's, and Ed's. Their junior varsity and practice field was here, and the grass was poor, ok--lousy. They had merged with a girl's school, and the combined body is smaller. Tuesday, the new field started to go in. Now, much more than a generation has passed. At midfield, there will be a scarlet V with a Columbia blue outline.
Argos rests on a strip.
Catholic high school football is considered a big thing.
mid-century bas-relief sculpture on the shop building 
The school began in the 1950s, post World War II, about the same time as Lakewood's St. Edward's. Joe's was in Cleveland, and Euclid was across the street. It was affordable, and many ethnic, and working class, and poorer boys' families attended. It was not solely college preparatory. A lot of those boys would not be able to go there then, if under to-day's economics.
scaffolding in front of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

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