Saturday, November 20, 2021

Evangelical Witness

People of certain religious persuasions have their own parallel language. It is not terminology of specifics that do not exist elsewhere. No, it is the same words with different meanings. I read an article about Trump's effect on the evangelicals. He created a disruptive wave among them. This writer says it is lingering, but over all they are as they were. The one area where it has caused a problem is in "witnessing".

When certain Protestants use the word "witness", or "witnessing" they are using internal code. Witness in standard speech refers to attesting to fact as in testimony, evidence, proof, knowledge from being present, and the like. They mean proselytising. They want to recruit converts. To many this is not wanted, it is uncomfortable, irritating, sometimes insulting, especially when it is intrusive, or aggressive.

Outside of religious services, this is the most religious activity they engage in. This activity is verbal, almost exclusively. One does not have to behave as a Christian (they find good works meaningless, faith is expressed in words), one hectors. Many see this as an aspect of conspicuous hypocrisy.

So why is witnessing in the age of Trump more difficult? This is the elephant in the room that is not mentioned, but fully acknowledged silently—credibility. White evangelicals were [and are] so allied with Trump. It was noticed with disgust by the world, because Trump has no positive attributes in common with good Christian living, morality, or ethics. The only thing that is shared is hypocrisy, and unnecessary verbiage. Trump is first, and most of all—a liar. He is a psychopath. This bears a  permanent stain of shame.

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