Sunday, January 10, 2021

Failed Insurrection

Ellsberg is a religious writer with a sharp wit. He has been poking T**** in a continuing series of #TolstoysTalesofTrump. Orange Nero at his insurrectionist rally sent off his minions to attack Congress. He said, he would go with them. T**** watched the event unfold on television instead.
There was this fellow in Germany who led a failed putsch, in prison he dictated a book which his secretary wrote down. The book was titled, „Mein Kampf”; T**** used to keep a copy by his bed. Here are the covers from Germany's leading news MAGAzines.

Some of the motley mob were clowns, as is their god T****.  Others were domestic terrorists, some with military, and police training.
No one should have been surprised. In T****'s insane, inauguration speech, he read the words “American carnage, and other fanatical, dystopic, bulls**t.
People pointed out how poorly defended the Capitol was, as compared to when Black Lives Matter marched. This photograph was pulled out of the memory files of unidentified forces standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
Other people remarked on how Capitol Police arrested peaceful protestors on many occasions, but arrested so few in the failed coup attempt. Religious people of conviction were especially easy to take into custody.

Fiona Hill was Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs. She left before Orange Caligula's telephone call to the President of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelinsky.  She did speak candidly and bravely at the impeachment hearing. Fiona Hill spoke to The Daily Beast about January 6th's events: 

“The president was trying to stage a coup. There was little chance of it happening, but there was enough chance that the former defense secretaries had to put out that letter, which was the final nail through that effort. They prevented the military from being involved in any coup attempt. But instead, Trump tried to incite it himself, this could have turned into a full-blown coup had he had any of those key institutions following him. Just because it failed or didn’t succeed doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.”

Fr. James Martin, SJ wrote: 
Today's violence at the US Capitol, a national disgrace, is the inevitable result of the endless lies about the election spread by President Trump and his supporters.  Here we see the result of these lies, the fruit of sin: anger, hatred, discord, despair and violence. This is what sin does, especially sin on such a large scale. 
And by their fruits you will know them (Mt 7:20).

Some leaders (meaning d/Democrats) took action, in order to stave off more treason, violence, and danger.

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