Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rome is the last Hope

The Roman Catholic Bishop of Cleveland has had his way. He has steamrolled opposition. He has had many allies. The establishment sticks together. But he has had other allies: ignorance, apathy, and cowardice. With these assembled allies, he has had employed a disinformation campaign. When anything disproves the false propaganda, the chancery and its dupes howl.

Of course, Catholicism in Ohio is a minority, but it holds the plurality. But being a minority, it is not of primary interest to the majority. The majority does not see how it particularly interests them. Also, our society has a short attention span. People get weary of a subject (unless they are part of the establishment, or wish to be, and then they never relent). American society, as a whole, supports victors (morality, ethics, equity are not operative factors).

Silence benefits the powerful, and the aggressor. Ignorance, apathy, and cowardice create the silence.

Throughout Dick Lennon's reign, people have clung to tradition, and looked to Rome for redemption. Rome has waited. Rome has investigated. Rome continues to wait.

For those subject to lennonism, those in five of eight counties were not struck with suppressions. Suburban parishes with wealthy members were not touched. Apathy triumphs.

Staff, clergy, and parishioners have been intimidated. They have been programmed in the campaign of mendacity. This is an effective marriage of cowardice, and ignorance.

There are still people that stand against the tyrant, they are few. Others pray in private.

Resistance to lennonism exists, but it is not always popular. Weariness in the public, and ignorance of Catholics combines successfully with apathy. Loyalty and obedience to one man is not faith, it is a cult of personality.

Christmas is coming very soon. Many who have been effected by lennonism cannot get into a 'Christmas mood'.

Rome can remove the problem. But to what degree? Lennon has not shown that he respects any power, tradition, views other than his own.


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