Another Sunday mid-day on the east side of Cleveland, Ohio, and another religious service at Saint Casimir, but this was part of a national awareness campaign. A catholic activist from Boston Massachusetts, Peter Borré, had delivered letters from twenty-two parishes in six dioceses to curia officials in the eternal city. Eight of these parishes* were from the Lennongrad diocese of Cleveland. Rome has been made aware of an american campaign to eliminate the nationality parishes created under Canon 518†, it is a form of ethnic cleansing of the church in the United States.
Borré has noted a cardinal saying, "the errors committed in Boston are being repeated in Cleveland." Lennon had filled in for the disgraced Cardinal Bernard Law in Boston, before arriving in the middle west. Lennon had been in Rome last October, he is there again to answer questions. He has answered none in Cleveland.
To-day, the prayers and hymns went beyond the english and polish languages, to include magyar (hungarian), slovak and slovene. The nations of eastern catholic europe are odius to Lennon. The people offered this prayer in diverse languages:
We pray for Divine Mercy for Bishop Lennon and we pray for his enlightenment that he might understand the history, beauty, contribution and continuing importance of the ethnic Roman Catholics in Cleveland.― english version
Molimo za Božjega Usmiljenje za škofa Lennon in molimo za njegovo razsvetljenje, da bi on lahko pravilno razumel zgodovino, lepoto, prispevek in veliki važnost dne narodni katoliki v Clevelandu.― slovene version
At times the listeners were rapt in keen silence at the words of speakers. A combination of prayer, song, defiance, jeremiad and a call to christian solidarity, union and constancy filled an hundred for an hour. The final speaker alluded to how Lennon falls short in regards to: theology, canon law and history. He, also, coaxed the crowd with socratic questions; the last being ― "I ask you, what parish would Jesus close?" They answered, "No one."
*St. Barbara and St. Casimir, Cleveland (Polish); Sacred Heart, Akron, St. Emeric, Cleveland, St. Margaret of Hungary, Orange Village (Hungarian); St. John the Baptist, Akron, St. Wendelin, Cleveland (Slovak); St. Lawrence, Cleveland (Slovene).
†Can. 518 As a general rule a parish is to be territorial, that is, one which includes all the Christian faithful of a certain territory. When it is expedient, however, personal parishes are to be established determined by reason of the rite, language, or nationality of the Christian faithful of some territory, or even for some other reason.
nota bene: for further interest,
The Communists were even afraid to close churches!