Wednesday, December 25, 2024

2024 Miscellany #18 — & Xmas too

Greg Mankis. Total Eclipse. 2024. Cleveland.
 The second mural of public art in Cleveland that shows the eclipse. I talked to the painter earlier [click].
panther chameleon at Cleveland Botanical Gardens
Karma playtime
saw Marbles again
Timothy Schmalz. When I Was Sick (Matthew 25). Cleveland Clinic Lutheran Hospital.
Medusa [click previous appearance]
Say, who are the people in your neighborhood? The people that you meet each day. ~ Sesame Street
On Christmas day, on Christmas day...⁠On Christmas day in the morning.
Lovely, joyous serendipity, we were walking about Wade Oval Cleveland, and saw a man wearing a kilt. He began to play Christmas tunes, and then one about a dreidel. His wife was working at a nearby hospital in the 'n.i.c.u.'
Thomas & Karma
on a porch, on a side street

Thursday, December 5, 2024

2024 Miscellany #17

40°F on a late Sunday of November at Lakewood Park
Smiers (sp?) Family were posing for family fotos, and we interrupted. Hired photographer not pleased.
part of the egg gate at Dike 14
Chinese arch in former parking lot on Payne, Cleveland
Arlin Graff. for Julian Wood. North Olmsted. 2024. 
This happy little green dinosaur is something a three year old boy would have liked. In June, he was stabbed to death by a psychotic woman, a few yards away in the shopping center parking lot. 
“Posside sapientiam quia auro melior est et adquire prudentiam quia pretiosior est argento.”  — Proverbs xvi. 16.
“Get wisdom, because it is better than gold: and purchase prudence, for it is more precious than silver.”    
Odd, this is over a doorway at a university [John Carroll] with a College of Business.
Christmas soldiers. Olmsted Falls Ohio.

Happy 65th