Friday, June 16, 2023

2023 Miscellany #9

Well, Parma High is still standing. Here is the ornament on the theatre building. Some people want the building to remain. Just as an aside, i do not believe what the superintendent says. Management speaks in order to control behaviour, and to accomplish what they want without regard to other parties. In this case, several failed tax levies may be part of the answer.
Collinwood had an Italian Pentecostal Church at one time. The building is now with Black on Black Crime Inc.  Most of this stained glass window has been painted over.
Severely trimmed tree on Oberlin's campus, man & greyhounds show scale.
Someone had a sense of humour, and officialdom either does not know, or is accepting.
Anubis, jackal or greyhound headed god?, University Circle preparation tent for the June parade 
A unified Egypt was more than three millennia old before the Romans came. In that time, many animals were worshipped as gods, and sure greyhounds were.
Setting sun shot June 7, between Chinese Cultural Garden and Cleveland Art Museum. Camera turned the sky black. Small branches holding the sun in place. This was a day when the Canadian smoke was a factor. Camera likes to focus on the foreground, there was more detail to the sun, but a person with better optical gear could have gotten it; i still find it interesting.
Why do this to Betty Boop?
A house in South Collinwood on Whitcomb, nearly sixty years ago, i thought it was the most interesting house in the neighbourhood. Since then, it has gotten some new windows, and currently some excavation is going on, but not visible in foto. House next door, and weed tree on tree lawn distract from the view.

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