Sunday, May 3, 2020

on broadway

 Mail Pouch chewing tobacco advertisement
The Bloch Brothers of Wheeling had a grocery, and cigar business in 1879. From 1884 they only dealt in tobacco. As people used to chew the clipped off ends, they started flavoring and bagging the waste tobacco as Mail Pouch chew. In 1925 the painting of barns to advertise began, but before that they painted grocery stores. 

On Newburgh's Broadway, the Zverina Block building was built in 1889. This ghost sign of over a century is still partially legible. In the black rectangle to the left of the word 'tobacco' are the words, "no drugs to chew"

Now, Czech and Slovak are similar. Both alphabets use diacritical marks, which are absent in English. Perhaps this in Czech, or in Slovak. I do not think the painter understood, and marks are missing. In the black rectangle to the right of the word 'tobacco' are the words, "no stems to smoke". Trying to make out the black boxes in the upper right:
Cisty a Trvani?? K ZVYKANI
Prijemny a Sladky KE KOURENI

Clean and lasting?? to use
Pleasant and Sweet
Daily Market
A. Zverina
Fine & Staple Groceries    
Fresh & Salt Meats
Oysters in Season
Fruits and Vegetgables
Flour & Poultry
 fleur-de-lis window
Atlas exercising his office

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