Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Parishioner Survey

The diocese of Cleveland has closed nearly 60 parishes and churches in the yet uncompleted five year reign of Richard Lennon.


The press barely has scratched the surface of the question. The chancery has not publicly responded. In October (for years) ushers have done head counts at Sunday Mass, and the parish has sent the numbers to the chancery. These numbers have not been compared and released, and even if they were, it would not point to where the displaced parishioners have gone. I am not comfortable with the phrase 'displaced parishioners', for I know how those resulting initials were used as an insult towards millions of Americans.
The Endangered Catholics coalition of faithful has put together a survey looking for comments about the recent Reconfiguration. Many, many parishioners from closed parishes have not registered at another parish yet. It is our hope that this survey will give them the opportunity to speak up about the two years of leadership in our diocese and the fallout from the closure of more than fifty parishes. -- Bob Kloos, Vice-President of Endangered Catholics
I believe if you use this 'link' it should proceed to the survey form:
Postscriptum: the poll was to end 8 December, to be replaced by another tabulation service, using the same questions.
Postscriptum II: The new version is -- here. It is to end 31 January 2011??
Postscriptum III: It is up through March 2011.

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