Some are a group donation and have a subject the group identifies with: the Young Ladies Sodality dedicate a marian window (Assumption) to their mothers; the school children of 1940 remember their teachers with a window of children coming to Jesus.
Some have the patron saint of a donor or donor's relative as subject: the sons of John and Frances Perko dedicate a window of their mother's patronal saint in honor of their parents; the children of Anton and Gertrude Strainer remember their parents with a window of the Holy Family.
And, certainly, some have a personal and emotional resonance for the donor's dedication. Jesus told many parables. Some are well known beyond christian devotion. Of course, some are better known than others. Some people may only be able to think of one or two. The one about the prodigal son (and the forgiving father) is probably the first or second that would come to mind. Fr. Henri Nouwen †1996, was so enthralled with one depiction, that he wrote a book, The Return of the Prodigal Son, about Rembrandt's painting, and it is often used in christian book studies. There are churches in the local diocese (St. Mel [on the confessional], St.Ignatius of Antioch) that have a reproduction of that Rembrandt.
The current ordinary of Cleveland (Richard Lennon) acts as if he were not bound by such canon law restrictions. He also sees himself as a self trained canonist. He is an autocrat, or as Dick "Darth" Cheney would say the 'unitary executive'. This is also the american response in the business world. The hatred of regulation. The hatred of negotiating with labor or the masses. The calls for 'necessary flexibility' that merely mask heavy handed, and capricious use of unrestricted power.
As a leader he, Lennon, acts as a corporate tyrant, an unrestrained 'free-market entrepreneur', an unbound capitalist; a combination plutocrat and autocrat―unaccountable to any man. This may be american business practice, and the Republican party's manner of governance but it is neither catholic, nor Christ-like.
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